Tag WP Builds

87 – Could Plutio be your all in one business software?

87 - Could Plutio be your all in one business software?
If you listen to this podcast with any regularity then you'll know that I'm (Nathan) a sucker for a new app. Mostly I hear about a new app, signup for a trial and play with it for a few days. Sometimes, although rarely, I continue to use the app and pay for it. Such is the case with Plutio. It's a SaaS app that I've been using for a few months now because I just like it so much. I also like the founder, Leo Bassam, the guest on this week's podcast. I like the app because it replaces quite a few apps that I was using in the past, and I like Leo because he's just so positive about Plutio. The app does tasks, invoices, proposals, timesheets, client management and more. Go check it out...

86 – Keeping your work organised inside WordPress with Corey Maass

86 - Keeping your work organised inside WordPress with Corey Maass
Modern life is busy! You don't need me to tell you that though do you? If you're anything like me then you have a hard time keeping up with all the myriad things that you need to do. It's not just work, it's everything! Well it turns out that people have been busy and struggling to keep up with their tasks for a long time, and it was the Japanese who decided that the world needed a solution - Kanban. Corey is a big fan of Kanban and, being a WordPress developer, he wanted a Kanban solution that he could use for his day to day work. So he built Kanban for WordPress. Listen to find out more...

85 – Create a turnkey website business with WordPress… Matthew Rodela did

85 - Create a turnkey website business with WordPress... Matthew Rodela did
We've all had that dream... Create a platform that you can set free unto the world. A platform that will allow you to gather new customers who would like to use your product, even though they've never talked to you before. A platform that will automate all the things so that you can sit on a beach drinking expensive cocktails and... erm... you get the (somewhat exaggerated) idea! Seriously though. How many times have you thought about leveraging WordPress so that it could be used a platform that could automate your website building business? I know that I have. Unlike you and I, Matthew Rodela stuck at it and has managed to create a business which pretty much automates the creation of websites and his customer base. He's leveraging that well known but under explored feature of WordPress - Multisite.

84 – Build 48 websites in a weekend for good causes with Adam Walker

84 - Build 48 websites in a weekend for good causes with Adam Walker
We do have some cool guests on this podcast don't we? Yes we do, and this week is no different. It's not about a plugin or a theme, or how to run your business. No... this is about philanthropy and doing nice things for people who need nice things to be done for them. It's about 48in48.org. Adam Walker is the man behind it all and so he's on to tell you about it and hopefully get you involved. The idea is really very simple... there's a whole load of deserving people out there who are trying to be good. They do good things with their time and make the world a better place. Sadly though, many of these good things don't make a lot of money and so they cannot afford to have websites built for them. Adam thought, I should try to solve that, and solve it he did!

83 – Brizy Page Builder – Dimitrie Baitanciuc tells us all about it

83 - Brizy Page Builder - Dimitrie Baitanciuc tells us all about it
Brizy Page Builder... This episode feels like it's timed at right moment because, if like me, you are always hunting around WordPress communities for news, then you cannot have failed to hear about the new Page Builder on the block - Brizy. We've become used to Page Builders now haven't we? Well, many of us have anyway! They cut a huge amount of time and effort out of creating pages in your WordPress site and they're also getting more and more capable of taking on the task of creating headers, footers, archive pages. In short, they're getting too sophisticated to ignore. There are a bunch of Page Builders that we know and love, so why should the Brizy developers have launched into a market that already has some major incumbent players? Why indeed?

82 – Properly supporting our wonderful WordPress community with Dan Maby

Properly supporting our wonderful WordPress community with Dan Maby
One of the best things about doing this podcast is getting to meet people that I might not otherwise have had the chance to talk to. Often those people are doing amazing things in the WordPress space. Dan Maby is one such person. He’s doing really amazing things, and I loved chatting with him. Dan appears to be on a mission to set up WordPress meetups all over the UK, and this is no trivial task. Dan however runs many of them, all over the UK. So what might have been a part-time job suddenly becomes multiple full-time jobs. I honestly don’t know where he gets all the energy and enthusiasm from.

81 – WordPress security and what you need to know about it with David Hayes

WordPress security and what you need to know about it with David Hayes
This week on the podcast we talk about something that is very dear to my heart… WordPress security! I have literally no idea why this subject fascinates me as much as it does, but for some reason, I cannot help myself, I just love it! I am interested in WordPress / internet security from the 10,000 mile high perspective. I’m not the kind of person to delve into the math of Elliptic Curves or Diffie Helmann symmetric keys. You need to be clever to actually understand this stuff, and as we all know, cleverness is not something that I possess too much of! David Hayes on the other hand is a clever person; the kind of man who understands the code behind WordPress security.

80 – Gutenberg’s design lead, Tammie Lister, explains what it’s all about

Gutenberg's design lead, Tammie Lister, explains what it's all about
Ever heard of Gutenberg? Nah, nobody in the WordPress community has mentioned it at all this year have they?! It's the most talked about thing in WordPress right now, and for good reason. When WordPress 5.0 ships at some point in 2018, Gutenberg will be along for the ride too, and it's going to change WordPress in a pretty significant way. Now, I'm not too sure exactly what it will look like and exactly how it will behave, because it's going through some serious iterations at the moment. It's come a really, really long way over the past year and recent updates have seen it change even more quickly.

79 – Keep educating yourself about WordPress / JavaScript / Gutenberg with Zac Gordon

Keep educating yourself about WordPress / JavaScript / Gutenberg with Zac Gordon
I really like Zac Gordon. He's one of those effervescent people who just exude warmth and thoughtfulness. I recently watched his talk at WordCamp London 2018 and he was such a great public speaker; able to chat to the room and not talk at them. His talk was about Gutenberg... because, well, you know... it's coming! He really knows his stuff too! What's that saying...? "If you can teach someone a subject, it shows that you really understand it", well, something like that anyway! Zac has been in the WordPress education space for years, teaching many, many people the in's and out's of WordPress. He's worked for companies like Treehouse as well as offering courses which he manages himself. Courses like his "Learn Vanilla JavaScript Deeply Course", and The "Gutenberg Development Course", there's so much great content that he's produced over the years.

78 – Amir Helzer explains Toolset relationships and Gutenberg support

78 - Amir Helzer explains Toolset relationships and Gutenberg support
Quite a while ago now, we had a chat with Amir Helzer, the CEO of onTheGoSystems, the people behind the popular WPML and Toolset plugins. Well, time and tide wait for no website, and developers need to keep innovating and updating their products to keep them relevant. Amir is on the show this week to chat through some of the important updates that they've been busy with. We talk quite a lot about some great new features that have been added to Toolset, such as the ability to create complex relationships for your WordPress Custom Post Types. He tells us what relationships are, and why you might want them.

77 – UI That Rocks / Understanding Gestalt design principles with Piccia Neri

77 - UI That Rocks / Understanding Gestalt design principles with Piccia Neri
I don’t know much about design. I’m one of those people who knows what they like when they see it. So I’m basically your worst client! Luckily there are people out there who do understand design. They think about it deeply and understand why some combinations of colours and shapes work well (good designers) and others don’t (me and turnips). Piccia Neri is one such person; she’s good at design and understanding design. Coming from a background in art history she moved over to the web and has been applying her knowledge to web design ever since.

76 – How to build and manage a successful plugin business with Sujay Pawar

76 - How to build and manage a successful plugin business with Sujay Pawar
In this episode we get to chat to Sujay Pawar, somewhat of a rising star of the WordPress world. I think that it’s quite likely that you’ve heard of some of the products that his company (Brainstorm Force) have created over the years. Shall I just list them out for you, so that you can say, “Yes, I’ve heard of those,” at the end? The Astra Theme, Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder, Ultimate Addons for Elementor, Convert Pro, Schema Pro, WP Portfolio and actually there were a few more along the way too! There, I told you that you’d heard of them! Is that enough for you!? Listen to the episode to find out more.

75 – ACF… Elliot Condon tells us all about his enormously cool plugin

75 - ACF... Elliot Condon tells us all about his enormously cool plugin
You discovered WordPress a while back and you thought, "this is great, but I need more fields". Admit it, that's exactly what you said isn't it? Well Elliot Condon heard your cry and went out and built ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) for you. It's about the most useful thing that you could add to WordPress other than, say, the Pro version of ACF, which is even better! You get heaps of new fields to play with and turn WordPress into something that is more CMS than blog platform! We find out all about ACF; it's past, present and future, and we also find out about Elliot and what kind of a nice chap he is.

74 – Let’s try to understand the GPL license shall we? With Jonathan Bossenger

Let's try to understand the GPL license shall we? With Jonathan Bossenger
Way back in September 2017, we did an episode called "Build it out of love. The morality of GPL licenses". In this episode David an I (as is our custom) spoke at great length with almost zero understand of the subject matter. I'm happy to say that most of you just tut and move on, but one or two of you are really, really listening and decide to question our proclamations! Jonathan Bossenger is such a person and he was having none of it! He decided that you guys actually needed to know real facts about The GPL and so he got in touch. You of course understand that I'm joking? He was very nice and thoughtful and considerate; which is more than we deserve!

73 – Why Smart Slider 3 might make you think about using sliders all over again

Why Smart Slider 3 might make you think about using sliders all over again
This week we have Daniel David on the show talking about his plugin, Smart Slider 3. If you have not used a slider on any of your WordPress website projects, then it might be time to have another look, because, these things are pretty amazing these days. Smart Slider 3 does not just slide things in from one side of the screen to the other in fun ways, oh my goodness no, it does a whole lot more than that! Smart Slider 3 is a drag and drop slider builder that you can use in many, many ways; some of them unexpectedly cool. Think Page Builder for only sliders!

72 – A new way doing hosting (really) with Claudio Benvenuti from HardyPress

A new way doing hosting (really) with Claudio Benvenuti from HardyPress
On the podcast today we’ve got Claudio Benvenuti from HardyPress, a company who do hosting your WordPress site a little differently. The normal hosting environment for WordPress usually involves a LAMP stack of some kind and that’s about it. It’s more complex as that as we all know, but that’s your basic level and it goes up from there. The amount of money that you spend buys you things like more bandwidth in a month, more hard disk space, and a better CPU. You might even invest in a managed WordPress host that does some serious work caching all the things to make it faster.

71 – How to be authentic and produce lots and lots of content with BobWP (Bob Dunn)

How to be authentic and produce lots and lots of content with BobWP (Bob Dunn)
Let me introduce you to Bob Dunn (a.k.a. BobWP), ha, like that’s a sentence that you’re going to be able to say! We all know about Bob don’t we? We’ve read his many blogs and listened to his many podcasts and he’s taught us all a great deal. So this one was a great one for me to do as I have a huge amount of respect for Bob and all that he does for WordPress. What, I think, makes Bob unique is the sheer amount of quality content that he produces, it’s prodigious and it’s hard to know how he manages to create it all.

70 – Using Viral Marketing to grow your audience with Savvas Zortikis from Viral Loops

Using Viral Marketing to grow your audience with Savvas Zortikis from Viral Loops
The SaaS app that you use on the WP Builds website to enter the competitions is called Viral Loops and today we have Savvas Zortikis on to speak about it.The idea behind viral marketing is that you offer something that people want and you ask them for their email in return. Well, that's all pretty standard stuff that we've all known about since 1995! The word 'viral' is used here because of the fact that your entrants are encouraged to share your offer because if they do, they increase their own chance of winning. The more you share, the more you're likely to walk away with the prize.

69 – Using Elementor? You need Katka from Barna Buxbaum

Using Elementor? You need KatKa from Barna Buxbaum
In this episode of the WP Builds podcast we get to talk to a very generous man! He's called Barna Buxbaum and he's the man behind the wildly popular template pack for the Elementor Page Builder called Katka. I'm always astonished by how people produce amazing things in the WordPress space and then just give them away for nothing! How cool is that? Barna's Katka is a huge library of over 170 (yes 170!) design elements that you simply download and drag and drop into your page designs. There's something for everyone, from 'Calls to Action' to 'Testimonials', 'Pricing Tables' to 'FAQs'.

68 – “GeneratePress Sites” is going to speed up your site building with Tom Usborne and Paul Lacey

"GeneratePress Sites" is going to speed up your site building with Tom Usborne and Paul Lacey
On the podcast this week we have not one, but two guests! They've come on to talk about the work that they've been doing to keep the amazingly popular WordPress theme GeneratePress up to date and relevant. Those two people are Tom Usborne, the lead developer from GeneratePress, and Paul Lacey, a long time user of the theme who runs , a WordPress agency based in the UK. Tom thought that it was time to add a new feature called "GeneratePress Sites" and it will allow you chose from a range of pre-designed sites, click a button and import those site's designs and pages.

67 – Is being a digital nomad as fun as it appears to be with Clark Marshall

Is being a digital nomad as fun as it appears to be with Clark Marshall
Two for the price of one! That's what this episode feels like, because not only do I get to interview Clark Marshall from Blue Dog Digital, but I also get to interview our very own David Waumsley, AT THE SAME TIME! The reason that we have them both on the show is that both Clark and David have made some very important decisions about how they would like their lives to pan out. They decided to become 'Digital Nomads'. This, to me, evokes thoughts of great pioneers; people who are brave enough to reject the 9-to-5 lifestyles that most of us moan about, but put up with.

66 – How to “Bad Ass Your Brand” with Pia Silva

How to "Bad Ass Your Brand" with Pia Silva
In this episode of the WP Builds podcast we chat to Pia Silva from badassyourbrand.com. She's a New Yorker with a whole load of energy and is a lady on a mission to "Bad Ass Your Brand". It's the title of her book as well as her philosophy to create a brand for your company. It's definitely not about just growing your agency; more staff, more contracts more... everything. It's about cutting things out of your business and making it very specifically the place that you want to work. It's about trying to do less work, to get paid more and have a little more time off.

65 – A wonderfully frank interview with Troy Dean about what makes him tick!

A wonderfully frank interview with Troy Dean about what makes him tick!
This week we chat to the man who in the world of WordPress needs no introduction... Troy Dean. He's become an important figure in our community and is a great podcast guest who has a lot of great advice. Of course, you'll know about Troy from his very successful projects such as WP Elevation and Rock Star Empires. His courses have inspired many people (me included) to really take a long look at their WordPress businesses and think about how they could become more profitable. He's a great speaker, with that rare ability to speak at great length and be authoritative at the same time.

64 – Beaver Funnels is going to make creating funnels so much better with Mike Killen

Beaver Funnels is going to make creating funnels so much better with Mike Killen
In this episode we are joined for the second time by Mike Killen who runs Sell Your Service. Last time he was on the WP Builds podcast, he talked about how to create funnels to assist you with your marketing goals. He made the process seem to simple! Well, I think that his experience on the podcast went to his head, because soon after we'd ended the call we started to talk about his new idea - Beaver Funnels. This is his game changing plugin that allows you to leverage the awesomeness of the Beaver Builder Page Builder and use it to create point and click funnels.

63 – What’s new and coming for the Beaver Builder Page Builder with Robby McCullough

What's new and coming for the Beaver Builder Page Builder with Robby McCullough
So many of you are now using a Page Builder, admit it! Honestly, why wouldn't you, they are such a great way to cut hours of time out of the development process of your WordPress web site. Well, I'm sure that you've heard of Beaver Builder, one of the Page Builders that you really ought to be using. I could go into all the reasons, but suffice to say that it's polished, reliable, and as stable as a thing which holds horses! Recently the guys over at Beaver Builder released version 2.0 into the wild and Robby McCullough is here to explain all about it.

62 – How to make sure that your site is really safe with Akshat Choudhary

How to make sure that your site is really safe with Akshat Choudhary
Let's be clear, this is a great story about something that we'd all like to happen to us! So you're a developer and you come up with an idea that you decide you should build. You really don't think about whether or not there is a target market and how many potential customers you're going to have, you just build it because you have the ability to do it. Then, one day, more or less by chance you meet a bunch of people who just happen to know other people who have the ability to make your product a success for you. It's the stuff of dreams.

61 – Eric Hamm has built a cool new, self hosted IDE for you

Eric Hamm has built a cool new, self hosted IDE for you
It seems that Eric is one of those people who is always creating new things. I'm not exaggerating when I say that, I really do mean that every couple of months he's trying his hand at something new! Lucky for us, Eric is really rather good at actually delivering new things that are well made and useful, and Instant IDE is no exception. It's new, but is already a pretty robust product, with autocomplete, tree style directory navigation, colour preferences, in fact pretty much all you could want.

60 – How to create great surveys for your clients with Mark Sinclair from SparkChart

How to create great surveys for your clients with Mark Sinclair from SparkChart
Since the dawn of the internet, it was pretty obvious that if you wanted to do anything other than look at "stuff that other people had put there", you were going to need forms. You can submit things to a web site and they can then parse that data, do fun things to it and then present it to you in a different way. So now there are forms everywhere! Mark Sinclair explains why SparkChart is a powerhouse survey tool for you and your clients.

59 – Ben Pines, tell us about the future of the Elementor Page Builder – Part 2

Ben Pines, tell us about the future of the Elementor Page Builder - Part 2
The Elementor folk are thinking about the future and how the product is going to evolve over the coming year. The obvious question is how Elementor is going to align with Gutenberg which is now only a few months away. Are Gutenberg and Elementor in opposition or are they going to work in harmony together? What are the plans to introduce an Elementor Theme Builder, and will it be a new product, or an upgrade to the Pro version of the current product? Also, what’s going on in the longer term?

58 – Ben Pines, tell us about the Elementor Page Builder – Part 1

Ben Pines, tell us about the Elementor Page Builder - Part 1
Well, this is going to be a nice treat for all of you folk that like a Page Builder, especially if that Page builder is called Elementor! Elementor has been growing in popularity during 2017 and has established itself as a solid platform with a reputation for being easy to use with a very generous free version. Ben joins us in Part 1 to tell us about how Elementor got to be where it is today. Who worked on it, how did they decide what to include and what to leave out. Well worth a listen.

57 – Why I built an inline editor for Beaver Builder with Bradley Kirby

Why I built an inline editor for Beaver Builder with Bradley Kirby
In this episode we get to meet Bradley Kirby who has a very cool little plugin for Beaver Builder called Wallace Inline. It's really rather cool, and allows you to update the contents of your Beaver Builder pages without actually using the Beaver Builder dialogue boxes. If you've never used Beaver Builder then you need to know that when you edit content on your page, a little box opens up with all the settings for that 'module'. This plugin changes that and makes editing even more easy!

56 – A great way to think about writing copy with Regina Tuzzolino – Part 2

A great way to think about writing copy with Regina Tuzzolino Part 2
Last week we introduced you to Regina Tuzzolino and her remarkable approach to writing copy. Well, in this, the second part of the interview, Regina unpacks the ways that this method can be applied to web site copy. It’s such an innovative way to tackle what many of us don’t really like doing. Not only do we not have the required skills, but we’re often more focussed upon the way that a site looks and less upon the impact of the language that we use.

55 – A great way to think about writing copy with Regina Tuzzolino – Part 1

A great way to think about writing copy with Regina Tuzzolino Part 1
So web copy is hard to do. Some of you might be experts, but most of us are not! We struggle to find a way to make copy that is engaging and innovative; something that people will want to read. Regina has a wonderful take on how to create successful copy through her step-by-step process. It's called the 'Hero's Journey', a 12 step method of breaking down ideas into something meaningful which will resonate well with people.

54 – Why choose WP Engine with Edmund Turbin

Why choose WP Engine with Edmund Turbin
In the episode we talk to Edmund Turbin about WP Engine and why you might consider it if you're in the game for a hosting provider. I'm sure that you've heard of WP Engine before, but if you haven't, they're a WordPress specific host who do WordPress and nothing else. They have been experiencing amazing growth since they were founded, and it says a lot about the WordPress ecosystem that services such as this can thrive.

53 – How to get paid more with Brent Weaver – Part 2

How to get paid more with Brent Weaver - Part 2
Discussion - David and Nathan discuss whether or not it's a good idea to automatically update your plugins. Interview - How to get paid more with Brent Weaver - Part 2. Last week we were introduced to Brent Weaver from uGurus. We learned about his business and how he aims to assist businesses achieve higher fees and become more profitable. This week is a little different, because we're delving more into Brent (the man) and not Brent (the business man)! Does that make sense?

52 – How to get paid more with Brent Weaver – Part 1

How to get paid more with Brent Weaver - Part 1
In this episode of the podcast we talk to Brent Weaver from uGurus. He's an exceptionally thoughtful mentor for people who would like to see an upturn in their web design business. uGurus has been going for many years and has helped loads of agencies both big and small to increase their fees. I guess that there is no magic sauce for this kind of thing, but what you'll be gaining is the combined experience of people who have struggled through this problem before.

51 – What’s your design process?

What's your design process?
In this episode we talk a lot at the beginning about the fact that we're going to be making some changes to the podcast over the coming weeks. We also talk about what processes we follow when we work. In the light of all the tools that we have available to us these days, what we do / use to get a site from proposal to completion. Now, we're not saying that you should follow what we do, as we know that it's likely hopeless, but we're telling you anyway so that you can tear us down and make us feel inadequate!

50 – Getting more sales with Chris Mason from WooCurve

Getting more sales with Chris Mason from WooCurve
This week we chat to Chris Mason, the founder of a few plugins which extend WooCommerce. Making sales on the internet can be hard, and it’s made more difficult if the checkout process is not optimised as much as possible. If you run a WooCommerce store then you’ll know that the checkout process, whilst perfectly okay, doesn't really allow you to upsell items. Well, WooCurve aims to make that a reality.

49 – WordPress and where it’s headed with Matt Medeiros

WordPress and where it's headed with Matt Medeiros
So you’ve heard of Matt Medeiros before, you know that you have. He’s the guy that does The Matt Report, a podcast that delivers great content to business owners who are using WordPress. He’s all over the internet all the time, writing great articles and making useful videos teaching people how to use WordPress. He’s full of energy in a way that most of us could only dream of! Great episode from start to finish!

48 – Ladies and gentlemen, Lee Jackson

Ladies and gentlemen... Lee Jackson
In this episode of the WP Builds we talk to the one and only Lee Jackson. If you’ve not heard of Lee before, then, frankly, it’s high time that you did! In fact, if you’ve not heard of Lee, I wonder if you should get your eyes or ears tested, because he’s making so much content it’s like he’s actually part of the internet itself! He makes a great podcast, runs a successful agency, makes lots of video content. I wonder if he sleeps?

47 – Taking online payments, simply, with Phil Derksen from WP Simple Pay

Taking online payments, simply, with Phil Derksen from WP Simple Pay
If you’ve been using the internet lately (ha!), you’ll know that people use it to buy and sell things! Wow, amazing! Turns out that taking payments online is a seriously difficult thing to do, difficult that is to write the secure code that will ensure that transactions processed properly. Phil has built a WordPress plugin that allows you to really easily get up and running with Stripe payments.

46 – Being awesome with WordPress without coding with Kim Doyal

Being awesome with WordPress without coding with Kim Doyal
Today we have Kim Doyal, aka The WordPress Chick, on the podcast. I don’t think that it’s entirely possible that you’ve not heard of her before if you’ve been in the WordPress space for any length of time! She a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm and has been pushing put content at a breathtaking rate day after day, year after year. Does she ever sleep, no! Is she great, YES!

43 – Running a large Facebook group with Dave Toomey

Running a large Facebook group with Dave Toomey
This week we get to meet the man behind the Beaver Builder Facebook group - Dave Toomey. Many of you will know that there is a 8,000 strong group out there, but perhaps you didn’t know that it was not started by the folk over at Beaver Builder, but by a lone Irish fella called Dave Toomey. Turns out that running a large Facebook group involves quite a bit of work.

42 – Build it out of love. The morality of GPL licenses.

Build it out of love! The morality of GPL licenses.
In this episode Nathan and David talk about GPL (General Public License). This is the license that allowed the work that was done webblog tool B2 to be used to make WordPress. It’s the licence that allowed WooCommerce to use the entire code of Jigoshop. What does this mean for those of us who built websites professionally with WordPress? How do premium theme and plugin providers survive?

41 – Andre Gagnon from Project Huddle

Andre Gagnon form Project Huddle
In this episode we talk to Andre Gagnon from Project Huddle. Andre has been wrestling with the issue that we all face of trying to gain meaningful comments about static designs and website builds. Often, it’s tricky trying to communicate with clients, but he hopes to solve some of that! It’s worth listening to the very end as he’s a really lovely guy with some great advice!

39 – Adam Hempenstall from Better Proposals

Adam Hempenstall from Better Proposals
In this episode we interview Adam Hempenstall from BetterProposals.io, a company on a mission to make the dull job of writing proposal for your client work as painless as possible. We’ve all been there, you’ve had the client meeting, then you get back to the office to discover that you’ve lost your mojo, because you have to write that proposal and the blank page just kills your will to live! This can help!

38 – How not to talk to WordPress clients

How not to talk to WordPress clients
In this weeks episode we discuss the thorny issue of how we communicate with clients; how we communicate our value to clients in the face of stiff competition from the likes of Squarespace and Wix. We talk about the way that we talk to clients and what we do to ensure that they 'get' what it is that we're trying to sell them.

33 – Getting content from your client with James Rose

Getting content from your client with James Rose
In this episode of the WP Builds podcast we have a slightly different take from the usual WP related content, because this week, we’re talking to James Rose form Content Snare, which has no connection to WordPress at all! However, fear not, all is not lost because this has a great deal to do with your web design and development business.

32 – Tom Usborne from GeneratePress

Tom Usborne from Generate Press
This is an episode that I really wanted to do. Generate Press is a WordPress theme that I’ve been using for quite a while now, and it’s my theme of choice. The options that it presents are powerful and yet the theme itself if very lightweight. Hooks galore, tasteful defaults, in short a great WordPress theme.

31 – What the heck are WooCommerce doing?

What the heck are WooCommerce going?
Today we had a carefully considered and mature debate about the removal of the 50% yearly discount on Woocommerce extensions. We also recorded today's podcast which ... erm... is not entirely like that. LISTENER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED. That’s not because we use rude words… Nah, it's simply that no-one can resist a warning and we don't have an interesting guest for you this week.

29 – Being an online marketing consultant with Jim Galiano

Being an online marketing consultant with Jim Galiano
How do we introduce Jim Galiano? Galiano (you need to say that like you’re Robert De Niro), New Yorker accent, grandfather in the boxing business, connections with entertainers. We know what you’re thinking… mafia support... Jim is an online consultant and author who started years ago and has loads to share.

28 – How to stay relevant in WordPress with Eric Hamm

How to stay relevant in WordPress with Eric Hamm
This theme then transitioned into the very popular Dynamik Website Builder (a customizable Child theme for the Genesis Framework) and Genesis Extender (a tool to help customize other Genesis Child theme). "Yeah dude now we're talking... Frameworks are cosmic!". Years of blissful happiness ensued.

27 – The WP community with Paul Lacey

The WP community with Paul Lacey
Today we rejoice! We have that nice Paul Lacey with us! We are in the WordPress Community! Let's hold hands and sing and dance around the podcasty campfire... Ah, no, no wait, that's too disturbing! In truth, this episode is about Paul's 10 plus year journey working with WordPress.

23 – The price of using WordPress

The cost of using WordPress
Today we talked about the price of using WordPress. No, it's not a long sob story about how the wife and kid left us! Those trailer park days are behind us now! The topic came out of a Facebook discussion around a plugin release. It got us thinking about our expectations as "professional" builders of websites.

22 – Amir Helzer, CEO of Toolset and WPML

Amir Helzer, CEO of Toolset and WPML
In this episode (drum roll please) we had the great honor of talking to Amir Helzer. Amir is the CEO of OnTheGoSystems known for WP-Types' Toolset, the WPML multilanguage plugin and also ICanLocalize. Yes, indeed, how did we manage that? More to the point, how did he manage that?

18 – What’s so great about WordCamp?

Whats so great about WordCamp?

In what can only be described as a bizarre coincidence today is "World day of making a podcast about WordCamps".

Even more freakily (is that really a word?) we have both just recently attended our first WordCamps. I know, you're right - it’s almost unbelievable!

12 – Top five tools that we cannot live without

Top 5 tools that we cannot live without
This week David Waumsley and Nathan Wrigley discuss the 5 tools that they could not live without. This is not supposed to be some sensationalist list that makes you want to go out and buy things! Rather, it’s just the tools that we’ve settled upon after trying out quite a few over the years.

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WP Builds WordPress Podcast



WP Builds WordPress Podcast