How do we put our prices up? - WP Builds WordPress podcast

124 – How do we put our prices up?

In this episode David and I talk about the subject of pricing and in particular the thorny subject of putting prices up. We get started with a chat about what systems we use to actually receive payments from clients, PayPal, Stripe and good old fashioned bank transfers. We then move on to discuss what we've done in the past to up our rates. It turns out that maybe we need your help with this as there are so many areas where we're not sure what to do...
123 - Creating WordPress courses with Joe Casabona - WP Builds WordPress podcast

123 – Creating WordPress courses with Joe Casabona

Joe has been in the WordPress space for years and years. Working as a freelancer at the start, then as a member of a large agency. All of that is now behind him and he's got a whole heap of different things that he's doing. He's a podcaster, a creator of videos for himself and for third parties, but perhaps most importantly he's a creator of online courses in the WordPress space. If you want to find out why he's so successful then listen to this episode...
Is our marketing all wrong? - WP Builds WordPress podcast

122 – Is our marketing all wrong?

When you sell your WordPress websites to your clients, do you push the logical or the emotional? Do you talk about technical details or how easy and beautiful it will be? It's so easy to go down the route of the technical details, the SEO and caching that you'll put in place - this will all be good, but maybe your clients want to hear about cool it's going to look and how it's going to make people stop and marvel at the design. David has a problem and we try to solve it...
Automate your social postings using Social Web Suite with Tina Todorovic - WordPress podcast

121 – Automate your social postings using Social Web Suite with Tina Todorovic

Do you post your content to multiple social platforms? If you do, I'm almost certain that this task is a little bit on the dull side. Is it isn't it? It takes time and is repetitive. Social Web Suite is a WordPress plugin that hooks into your social media accounts just waiting for your to publish something. As soon as you do, it gets to work making the social media posting nightmare evaporate - it does it all for you. Check it out.
Have you got WordPress plugin fatigue - WP Builds WordPress podcast

120 – Have you got WordPress plugin fatigue?

If you're a WordPress user then you've used heaps of plugins in the past. They enable WordPress to do anything don't they? That's WordPress' greatest strength and it's largest curse! There are so many to choose from, and all that choice leads to plugin fatigue. You never quite know if the plugin that you're using is 'the best' and so you're constantly on the look out for a newer, shinier plugin. The problem is that this cycle does not have an end...
Using Groundhogg to self host your email marketing with Adrian Tobey - WP Builds

119 – Using Groundhogg to self host your email marketing with Adrian Tobey

Email marketing is usually the domain of expensive SaaS apps. Well, not any more. With the Groundhogg WordPress plugin you can automate all-the-things from inside your website! It's got lots of customisation options and works with a visual builder, just like the services that you're currently using. Adrian comes on to tell us about how it all got started and how the plugin works and what scenarios it might be useful for...
We know nothing about website pricing - WP Builds WordPress podcast

118 – We know nothing about website pricing

There are so many ways you can get paid for building WordPress websites, and if you've been in this industry for any length of time, then you've perhaps tried a few out? Do you charge on-off fees or use a model which judges the value that you add to the client's business? Perhaps you perfer to work on the basis that the website is an ongoing cost and the recurring revenue is really where you should be getting paid? We have no idea which is best, but it's fun chatting it all though...
Using WordPress to run your online course with Chris Badgett from Lifter LMS

117 – Using WordPress to run your online course with Chris Badgett from Lifter LMS

It's all the rage isn't it? Set up an online course and teach the world about the things you know! You've seen the Facebook ads. You've sat down and thought about all the great content they you'll teach to your students, made some videos, created some handouts, even devised some tests that the students will have to complete to graduate. But then the daunting question arises... how do I actually get this online? Lifter LMS might be the answer...
116 - How to secure your WordPress website with Oliver Sild from WebARX

116 – How to secure your WordPress website with Oliver Sild from WebARX

Do you glaze over when someone talks about internet security? Well, you're not alone - it's quite a difficult subject to understand. Thank heavens then that there's people like Oliver Sild who will understand it all for you. His company, WebARX has built a product which get all of your WordPress websites secured. They have one central dashboard which shows you all of the activity on your sites. Their firewall will drop suspicious traffic and keep you safe.
115 - The client is always right, we just need anger management

115 – The client is always right, we just need anger management

Are you the type of person who always does what your clients ask of you, or do you get angry with them? It's hardly a binary answer is it, but it certainly feels like it is sometimes! We've all been there... you've worked really hard on their WordPress website and you think that you've done everything right, but then the client comes back to you with a difficult email and your serenity is blown out of the water! What should you do...?
114 - Introducing Split Hero for split testing with Adam Lacey

114 – Introducing Split Hero for split testing with Adam Lacey

Adam has been on the podcast before, but on that occasion he was talking about his life as a freelancer, not as the owner of a SaaS app! He's founded a company called 'Split Hero' which is laser focussed upon one thing - split testing your WordPress website pages and gain meaningful data back about which one wins! Hang on a minute though... what is a 'split test'? Well, I'm glad you asked...
Should we give our clients telephone support - WP Builds Podcast

113 – Should we give our clients telephone support?

Should we be available on the phone to deal with client issues for our WordPress website business? I have had this conversation so many times in the past with so many people! We all know that, in the right hands, a phone can be one of the best ways to engage with your clients. But, in the wrong hands, the phone can be a scary thing that wastes your time and causes you stress and anxiety. See what we think...
How to do SEO right with Phil Singleton - WP Builds

112 – How to do SEO right with Phil Singleton

Phil Singleton is one of those guys who seems to do 15 things all at once, and doing them really well. His background, like many of us is not web design and development. He started in finance and insurance and hated it. Now he's an SEO specialist with a projects under his belt. We chat about the fact that SEO has changed over the years and what strategies you can employ with your WordPress website clients to ensure that their sites rank well, as well as being able to pitch SEO as one of your services.
110 - A WordPress intranet solution from WOffice

110 – A WordPress intranet solution from WOffice

Today we have not one but two people on the podcast. Baptiste Debever and Francois Forest are WordPress plugin and theme developers based in France. During this podcast we discuss two of their products, a WordPress theme called WOffice and a SaaS app called Feedier. They both do completely different things, one is a WordPress intranet and the other is a feedback SaaS app... so let's get started...
109 - What changed in 2018 and what is coming in 2019

109 – What changed in 2018 and what is coming in 2019

Happy New Year 2019! In this episode of the WP Builds WordPress podcast we take a bit of a look back at some of the things that we thought we important in 2018. Now I don't mean to imply that David and myself have any special insight here, it's just what occurred to us as important for 2018 and the way that we use WordPress. Some of this might not seem all that important to you, and undoubtedly we've missed a whole bunch of stuff out, but hey, you never came here for expertise did you!
108 - Make your blog posts work harder for you with Ben Dell from Missinglettr

108 – Make your blog posts work harder for you with Ben Dell from Missinglettr

Today we have an episode that deals with something very dear to my heart, writing blog posts - like this one! One of the problems that I have is that I write a post like this in WordPress and then publish it. It goes onto the website and I hope that people like you will read it and listen to the podcast episode. However, we're all busy people these days and it might be that you miss this post. I could roll over and accept that you've missed my wonderful content, or I could try to make sure that you see it at some point in the future. That's what Ben Dell's SaaS app, Missinglettr, does...
107 - The top 5 reasons why we are web designers

107 – The top 5 reasons why we are web designers

This episode is a little bit of a departure for us as it was inspired by the people in the WP Builds Facebook group (which you should join BTW). It is all based upon a in which David asked the simple question, "What's the one thing you love about building client websites?" Well, I think that both of us thought that this might get one or two comments, but in fact they poured in - 119 of them at the last count. It was really wonderful to read all of the varied things that you love about the work that we all do. We've got a lot to be grateful for, woking as we do building websites with WordPress.
106 - With the right tools and guidance, anyone can design a great site with Mor Cohen

106 – With the right tools and guidance, anyone can design a great site with Mor Cohen

This week we have Mor Cohen on from Washington State in America and she's with us because she has a new course that she's launching called "The GeneratePress and Elementor Design Course". This course is designed for people like me, and when I say that it's unlikely that you need this course as much as I do because I have the design skills of a peanut! I can see what makes a design good, and I can appreciate a good design, but I cannot seem to be able to make a good design. That stuff is hard, or so I thought. Mor thinks otherwise!
105 - Rebecca Gill and her amazing life

105 – Rebecca Gill and her amazing life; flourishing from adversity

This is a little bit of a departure for us today because we take a deep dive into the life of our guest - Rebecca Gill. Typically on the podcast we chat about plugins and themes and talk to developers about their ideas and their code. Not today, well not just that today! Today we listen to the story of how life has shaped Rebecca, and I can tell you that so much has happened to her that it's amazing that she's still able to get up in the morning. Many people faced with a poor start never recover from it, but others seem to be able to rise above it, they have a tenacity that enables them to keep going, to take charge of their own destiny and to flourish. Rebecca chose to flourish. Find out how...
104 - UX... What on earth is it?

104 – UX… What on earth is it?

We talk to Paul Lacey and discuss with him what UI is. Both David and I work as independent freelancers and this means that we have a process that has worked for us over time. Paul however is part of a growing agency called DickieBirds and this means that he has to think about all this more than we do. It's a wide ranging discussion which might resonate with you if you are working with WordPress to create client sites. We know that other people who are really successful follow a whole bunch of processes which makes their life easier. I don't, but Paul does, so listen in...
103 - Adam Preiser talks about making eCommerce easy with CartFlows

103 – Adam Preiser talks about making eCommerce easy with CartFlows

This week on the podcast we have a man that I have no doubt that you've seen before? He's got a very popular YouTube channel called WP Crafter. It's a channel in which Adam creates videos explaining how WordPress plugins and themes work. It's really popular, like really popular. Okay so that's why you've heard of him, but it's not why he's on the podcast today. The reason that he's on is because of a new and interesting plugin that he's selling called CartFlows which is going to change the way that you do eCommerce. Find out more...
WP Builds Podcast - Episode 101 - It's time for us to quit

102 – It’s time for us to quit

We all have things in our lives that we want to quit, but we're limiting this conversation to your work as a WordPress professional and the moments in the day when you start to do things that you know that you shouldn't! Perhaps it's too much Facebook. You've set up email notifications to appear, and appear they do, with alarming regularity. Several time an hour you get pinged and go to read what you hope will be something of weight and importance. We're all guilty of it, as Mark Zuckerberg's accountant can testify. Or perhaps it's trying to keep up with the latest trends, or time wasting, or office hour or podcasting!
Matt Mullenweg - WP Builds Podcast - Episode 101

101 – Matt Mullenweg… Why Gutenberg? And why now?

Today we welcome Matt Mullenweg on to the WP Builds podcast. Matt has been using WordPress as long as anyone else, with one exception! He is the co-founder of WordPress along with Mike Little, so he knows a thing or two. We talk about Gutenberg, why Matt thinks that we need it, and why we need it now. We go on to chat about how it's divided the WordPress community, especially from the perspective of users with accessibility needs. We finish with a discussion about how the community can reunite after this 'schism' and what Matt thinks of the recent ClassicPress fork of WordPress.
WP Builds - Webinar - Episode 100 Live

100 – The LIVE (disaster) podcast!

In this LIVE Webinar we celebrate the 100th episode of the WP Builds podcast! It was a bit of a technological disaster! David Waumsley and I both got kicked out of the webinar before it had started and then we in a webinar all alone for 28 minutes as the webinar tech support worked out what went wrong. Jim and David McCan held the fort until we returned - very cool! We discussed what we think are the things that will happen in WordPress over the next two years or so. It's a bit of a ramble, but I can promise you that next week we'll be back to normal!!! Who'd have thought that we'd get this far? Who cares that we did anyway! Thanks for sticking with us!
99 - Help your clients to help you with a Client Portal - Laura Elizabeth explains

99 – Help your clients to help you with a Client Portal – Laura Elizabeth explains

Today, we get to meet Laura Elizabeth. She’s a designer turned plugin creator that has some good ideas for you! Like I say, she’s a designer and her latest product, Client Portal, is a great way to help you and your clients to stay on the same page. If you build WordPress websites for clients, then I think that you’ll know this problem… you get out of sync with your clients and all the communication seems to go all over the place. Some people want you to send them email, others would rather that you use Slack or Dropbox or Google Drive or some other system that you’ve never heard of! The long and the short of it is that you’ve got many clients all needing you to communicate with them in a variety of ways and Client Portal makes that process much easier!
98 - Carrie Dils talks about why she loves WordPress and how you can use it

98 – Carrie Dils talks about why she loves WordPress and how you can use it

There are some people that you're drawn towards aren't there? People that you like to listen to, people that you like to read about. When I started to use WordPress a few years ago, I was constantly on the lookout for people who were producing great content that I could consume to further my understanding of how WordPress worked and of how I could make it do what I wanted it to do.I'm sure that you have your list of people who fill this criteria, the people that you want to listen to and read about? Carrie Dils is one of those people for me. She's be creating content in the WordPress space for ages and not just that, she's been producing a whole load of different forms of content.
97 - What is cold calling and should I be doing it?

97 – What is cold calling and should I be doing it with Jim Galiano?

I don't know you, but I know for an absolute fact that I'm hopeless at marketing. I'm not very good at it and it find it really hard to do, or to get excited about. It's a something that I've struggled with for a long time. I'm lucky in that I have enough work (right now) to keep me going and it comes my way largely through word of mouth. Because I'm a study in mediocrity, this is fine by me; I have not needed to market too much to keep my head above the water. But I'm hoping that you're not as satisfied with mediocre, as I am - you're a get-up-and-got type aren't you? You want more out of life than I do? Well guess what, you're going to have to market yourself in order to get, because you can be sure that competitors will.
96 - Show me my data! Query Wrangler with Jonathan Daggerhart

96 – Show me my data! Query Wrangler with Jonathan Daggerhart

If you’re a regular listener to the podcast then you’ll know that I was once a heavy user of Drupal. The reason for this is simple, Drupal is really rather awesome. I know that this is a WordPress podcast, but there’s just no denying it; Drupal does heaps and heaps of stuff really well, and dare I say it… sometimes better than WordPress does! Okay, now you can put those pitchforks away, ‘cos I’m not trying to convert you over to Drupal, because, after all, I left and don’t use it anymore. Drupal has a module (aka plugin) called Views, and I’m not exaggerating to say that it’s very very very cool indeed. When I came to WordPress, I could not understand why there was nothing like Views. Something that you could point, and click at and get data out. Until I discovered Query Wrangler by Jonathan Daggerhart...
95 - What we do when a client asks for something we've never done before

95 – What we do when a client asks for something we’ve never done before

In this episode, we return to the ‘good old days’ in which David and myself just used to drone on and on! We decided that we had not done nearly enough droning recently, and so… I give you episode 95! We go over our thoughts about how we cope when a client asks us to do something that is completely new to us. I’m guessing that we’ve all been in that meeting, or been on that call when you realise that the client is asking for something that you don’t know that you can pull out of that WordPress hat that you’ve been wearing. Perhaps it’s something that you know can be done, but you know that you’re not able to do it. Or maybe it’s something that you simply cannot understand and don’t even know where to start.
94 - How to use WP Ultimo to create your own Multisite network with Arindo Duque

94 – How to use WP Ultimo to create your own Multisite network with Arindo Duque

I've often pondered the idea of setting up some kind of SaaS product, something that I could build and then turn it over to the public and they would be able to purchase it from me on a monthly basis. I think that when people do this with WordPress it's called WaaS. Is that right? Well, one of the things that I've always wanted to do was to set up a system where clients could sign up to a monthly / annual website plan, pick a theme that they liked, pay and it would all be automated - done for them (and me) as if by magic. Arindo Duque has built such a thing and, honestly, it's a little gem that you ought to explore if this idea has ever tempted you too.
93 - What makes a successful proposal with Adam Hempenstall

93 – What makes a successful proposal with Adam Hempenstall

I’m not that keen on writing. It’s one of the things that we all have to do, but it’s not my greatest strength as you can tell if you are reading this. What I dislike more than just writing though is writing proposals for prospective clients. I don’t like it because I’m not very good at getting my points across all that succinctly and I find it hard to get into the ‘style’ that I need to adopt to make it have a fighting chance of being read and accepted. Well, don’t you love living in the age of the internet where there is an online service for just about everything that you could possibly need in life? Adam Hempenstall discovered that there were people like me all over the planet; people who needed to hand writing their proposals.
92 - Do higher prices mean better clients?

92 – Do higher prices mean better clients?

We have a 'special guest' called Paul Lacey from Dickie Birds to discuss the always relevant subject of pricing, and more specifically do better paying clients mean 'better' clients? We all know that the answer is, annoyingly, sometimes, it all depends and maybe! Ha! There's no guarantee that, just because someone has deep pockets, they are going to fun to work with. Sometimes the fact that a client is paying more for your WordPress products and services means that you have more 'bandwidth' to absorb the many problems that arise during your website build, but equally, clients that have very tight budgets can be very demanding of your time and have expectations far above what their wallet will realistically allow!
91 - Gutenberg - FacetWP filtering for your site with Matt Gibbs

91 – FacetWP filtering for your site with Matt Gibbs

Right, so we know that WordPress is pretty cool don't we? Glad that we got that straight. It does heaps of things really, really well, but honestly, it's got limitations! That's why we have plugins! A few years ago I needed to build a site for an estate agent (realtor for you folk over in North America I think). This site needed the ability to show a list of properties on the market, but the client wanted the users of the site to be able to filter the list of properties so that only the ones that matched their criteria were shown to them. So... houses under £300k, with a garage.... Well, trying to pull that off in WordPress is jolly hard, but thankfully Matt Gibbs got there before you! He's created a plugin called Facet WP which is the answer to all your filtering prayers (you do have filtering prayers don't you)!
90 - Gutenberg - Let's have a Block Party with Eric Debelak

90 – Gutenberg – Let’s have a Block Party with Eric Debelak

This week we have Eric Debelak on the podcast talking about... what else... Gutenberg! Eric is a bit of a fan of Gutenberg. So much so in fact that he's spent quite a bit of time working on a project specifically for Gutenberg. It's called WPBlocks.Party! Seeing as how the WordPress community is full of clever people, those same clever people (like Eric) decided that it would be very nice to have more than just the standard set of blocks that Gutenberg comes with. We need more than just text and images and videos in a modern platform don't we?
89 - How to really connect with your clients with Erin Flynn

89 – How to really connect with your clients with Erin Flynn

I'm not very good in the real world! Get me away from my little office and my screens and I'm all 'out-at-sea'! I have to suddenly communicate with people and interact; I cannot click a button and get an expected response from other people. People, unlike code, are just so darn unpredictable. They do what they want and have hidden thoughts and expectations. If you've been building websites for clients for any length of time, you'll know that your clients can be your best friend and your worse nightmare. They want things they didn't communicate to you. So it goes! Erin Flynn is here to help you sort this mess out.
88 - Lightening fast static WordPress hosting with Daniel Olson

88 – Lightening fast static WordPress hosting with Daniel Olson

I really like it when you talk to someone that has done a variety of things in the internet / WordPress space. Daniel Olson is a man that fits that description, as you're about to find out! He's got a whole heap of fin stuff going on which we talk about in depth, but the 'long story short' is that he's an AWS (Amazon Web Services) expert. If you did not know, AWS is the ridiculously large suite of tools that Amazon has built to make anything possible on the internet. Daniel leverages all that AWS goodness to build products that you might want to use for your WordPress business. For a start he has not one, but two hosting products that you might want to check out, Aminoto and Shifter...
87 - Could Plutio be your all in one business software?

87 – Could Plutio be your all in one business software?

If you listen to this podcast with any regularity then you'll know that I'm (Nathan) a sucker for a new app. Mostly I hear about a new app, signup for a trial and play with it for a few days. Sometimes, although rarely, I continue to use the app and pay for it. Such is the case with Plutio. It's a SaaS app that I've been using for a few months now because I just like it so much. I also like the founder, Leo Bassam, the guest on this week's podcast. I like the app because it replaces quite a few apps that I was using in the past, and I like Leo because he's just so positive about Plutio. The app does tasks, invoices, proposals, timesheets, client management and more. Go check it out...
86 - Keeping your work organised inside WordPress with Corey Maass

86 – Keeping your work organised inside WordPress with Corey Maass

Modern life is busy! You don't need me to tell you that though do you? If you're anything like me then you have a hard time keeping up with all the myriad things that you need to do. It's not just work, it's everything! Well it turns out that people have been busy and struggling to keep up with their tasks for a long time, and it was the Japanese who decided that the world needed a solution - Kanban. Corey is a big fan of Kanban and, being a WordPress developer, he wanted a Kanban solution that he could use for his day to day work. So he built Kanban for WordPress. Listen to find out more...
85 - Create a turnkey website business with WordPress... Matthew Rodela did

85 – Create a turnkey website business with WordPress… Matthew Rodela did

We've all had that dream... Create a platform that you can set free unto the world. A platform that will allow you to gather new customers who would like to use your product, even though they've never talked to you before. A platform that will automate all the things so that you can sit on a beach drinking expensive cocktails and... erm... you get the (somewhat exaggerated) idea! Seriously though. How many times have you thought about leveraging WordPress so that it could be used a platform that could automate your website building business? I know that I have. Unlike you and I, Matthew Rodela stuck at it and has managed to create a business which pretty much automates the creation of websites and his customer base. He's leveraging that well known but under explored feature of WordPress - Multisite.
84 - Build 48 websites in a weekend for good causes with Adam Walker

84 – Build 48 websites in a weekend for good causes with Adam Walker

We do have some cool guests on this podcast don't we? Yes we do, and this week is no different. It's not about a plugin or a theme, or how to run your business. No... this is about philanthropy and doing nice things for people who need nice things to be done for them. It's about Adam Walker is the man behind it all and so he's on to tell you about it and hopefully get you involved. The idea is really very simple... there's a whole load of deserving people out there who are trying to be good. They do good things with their time and make the world a better place. Sadly though, many of these good things don't make a lot of money and so they cannot afford to have websites built for them. Adam thought, I should try to solve that, and solve it he did!
83 - Brizy Page Builder - Dimitrie Baitanciuc tells us all about it

83 – Brizy Page Builder – Dimitrie Baitanciuc tells us all about it

Brizy Page Builder... This episode feels like it's timed at right moment because, if like me, you are always hunting around WordPress communities for news, then you cannot have failed to hear about the new Page Builder on the block - Brizy. We've become used to Page Builders now haven't we? Well, many of us have anyway! They cut a huge amount of time and effort out of creating pages in your WordPress site and they're also getting more and more capable of taking on the task of creating headers, footers, archive pages. In short, they're getting too sophisticated to ignore. There are a bunch of Page Builders that we know and love, so why should the Brizy developers have launched into a market that already has some major incumbent players? Why indeed?
Properly supporting our wonderful WordPress community with Dan Maby

82 – Properly supporting our wonderful WordPress community with Dan Maby

One of the best things about doing this podcast is getting to meet people that I might not otherwise have had the chance to talk to. Often those people are doing amazing things in the WordPress space. Dan Maby is one such person. He’s doing really amazing things, and I loved chatting with him. Dan appears to be on a mission to set up WordPress meetups all over the UK, and this is no trivial task. Dan however runs many of them, all over the UK. So what might have been a part-time job suddenly becomes multiple full-time jobs. I honestly don’t know where he gets all the energy and enthusiasm from.
WordPress security and what you need to know about it with David Hayes

81 – WordPress security and what you need to know about it with David Hayes

This week on the podcast we talk about something that is very dear to my heart… WordPress security! I have literally no idea why this subject fascinates me as much as it does, but for some reason, I cannot help myself, I just love it! I am interested in WordPress / internet security from the 10,000 mile high perspective. I’m not the kind of person to delve into the math of Elliptic Curves or Diffie Helmann symmetric keys. You need to be clever to actually understand this stuff, and as we all know, cleverness is not something that I possess too much of! David Hayes on the other hand is a clever person; the kind of man who understands the code behind WordPress security.
Gutenberg's design lead, Tammie Lister, explains what it's all about

80 – Gutenberg’s design lead, Tammie Lister, explains what it’s all about

Ever heard of Gutenberg? Nah, nobody in the WordPress community has mentioned it at all this year have they?! It's the most talked about thing in WordPress right now, and for good reason. When WordPress 5.0 ships at some point in 2018, Gutenberg will be along for the ride too, and it's going to change WordPress in a pretty significant way. Now, I'm not too sure exactly what it will look like and exactly how it will behave, because it's going through some serious iterations at the moment. It's come a really, really long way over the past year and recent updates have seen it change even more quickly.
Keep educating yourself about WordPress / JavaScript / Gutenberg with Zac Gordon

79 – Keep educating yourself about WordPress / JavaScript / Gutenberg with Zac Gordon

I really like Zac Gordon. He's one of those effervescent people who just exude warmth and thoughtfulness. I recently watched his talk at WordCamp London 2018 and he was such a great public speaker; able to chat to the room and not talk at them. His talk was about Gutenberg... because, well, you know... it's coming! He really knows his stuff too! What's that saying...? "If you can teach someone a subject, it shows that you really understand it", well, something like that anyway! Zac has been in the WordPress education space for years, teaching many, many people the in's and out's of WordPress. He's worked for companies like Treehouse as well as offering courses which he manages himself. Courses like his "Learn Vanilla JavaScript Deeply Course", and The "Gutenberg Development Course", there's so much great content that he's produced over the years.
78 - Amir Helzer explains Toolset relationships and Gutenberg support

78 – Amir Helzer explains Toolset relationships and Gutenberg support

Quite a while ago now, we had a chat with Amir Helzer, the CEO of onTheGoSystems, the people behind the popular WPML and Toolset plugins. Well, time and tide wait for no website, and developers need to keep innovating and updating their products to keep them relevant. Amir is on the show this week to chat through some of the important updates that they've been busy with. We talk quite a lot about some great new features that have been added to Toolset, such as the ability to create complex relationships for your WordPress Custom Post Types. He tells us what relationships are, and why you might want them.
77 - UI That Rocks / Understanding Gestalt design principles with Piccia Neri

77 – UI That Rocks / Understanding Gestalt design principles with Piccia Neri

I don’t know much about design. I’m one of those people who knows what they like when they see it. So I’m basically your worst client! Luckily there are people out there who do understand design. They think about it deeply and understand why some combinations of colours and shapes work well (good designers) and others don’t (me and turnips). Piccia Neri is one such person; she’s good at design and understanding design. Coming from a background in art history she moved over to the web and has been applying her knowledge to web design ever since.
76 - How to build and manage a successful plugin business with Sujay Pawar

76 – How to build and manage a successful plugin business with Sujay Pawar

In this episode we get to chat to Sujay Pawar, somewhat of a rising star of the WordPress world. I think that it’s quite likely that you’ve heard of some of the products that his company (Brainstorm Force) have created over the years. Shall I just list them out for you, so that you can say, “Yes, I’ve heard of those,” at the end? The Astra Theme, Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder, Ultimate Addons for Elementor, Convert Pro, Schema Pro, WP Portfolio and actually there were a few more along the way too! There, I told you that you’d heard of them! Is that enough for you!? Listen to the episode to find out more.

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WP Builds WordPress Podcast



WP Builds WordPress Podcast