Tag Gutenberg

This Week in WordPress #295

The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 22nd April 2024.
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 22nd April 2024. You can find the episode here: https://wpbuilds.com/2024/04/27/this-week-in-wordpress-295

343 – Is browser interoperability a threat to page building?

Is browser interoperability a threat to page building? - WP Builds Podcast #343
This is the 16th episode of our "Thinking the Unthinkable" series and I think we have come up with our catchiest title ever... “Is browser interoperability a threat to page building?" - truly inspirational! Remember the good old days when no two browsers renders anything in the same way? You don't? You're lucky! It used to be the case that all of the browsers went their own way. The result was a spaghetti of code, with little variations for each of the browsers. This was a waste of our time, but it also held back the innovation with HTML and particularly CSS, for a decade or more. Thankfully though, that's behind us, and the browser vendors seems to be speaking the same language. This means that in the future the browsers will do so much more, with far less complexity. How much of a threat are browsers to Page Builders? Find out today on the podcast…

330 – Get lots for free with Maxi Blocks

Get lots for free with Maxi Blocks - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #330
On the podcast we have Christiaan Pieterse from Maxi Blocks. If you've ever dug into WordPress block packs / suites then it's quite likely that what you're going to hear about Maxi Blocks today will be quite familiar, except one important thing - the pricing model. More on that in a minute. Maxi Blocks has all the blocks that you typical website needs. I could list them all here, but just click the link above and you'll find them. There's containers, headings, images, maps, groups, icons, sliders, all-the-things so to speak. The thing that's different here is that way that they're pitching the product. Maxi Blocks is free. There is no feature that is locked away. You have access to every block, every setting inside those blocks, no functionality is hidden behind a pro option. So, you're thinking, well this product won't last long. They'll go through their cash, give away everything and run out of road. Not so fast! They do have a pro version, but you're going to be paying only for pre-built designs and patterns. If you're curious about blocks, take a listen to the podcast, check out the Maxi Blocks site, and tell us what you think of the product in the comments.

325 – Thinking the unthinkable (TTUT). Episode 7: Designing in the browser is for amateurs

It's the 7th in our “Thinking the Unthinkable” series where we attempt to rationalise controversial views on WordPress and web design? Today’s topic is… Designing in the browser is for amateurs. David thought this topic was about whether to use design software rather than jump in with a page builder or start amending a template. Nathan thought it was about how design tools are increasingly online and work in the browser leaving us not having to install software for our computer operating systems. We will cover both because more recently graphical tools that work in the browser are also capable of spitting out HTML code too. Please feel free to leave us a comment at the bottom of the post!

299 – When the client turns web designer (although we hardly talk about that)

WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #299
With all these no code options, do you find your clients are becoming experts and no longer needing you? We try (and fail) to talk about this today and end up going on about JAMStack instead! It's a serious point though. Page Builders and Gutenberg have opened up the website creation process to a whole new audience, and it brings into question what we do as WordPress web developers / builders that make us worthwhile. What can you say to the client to make you seem like value for money in a time when 'affordability' is more important than ever, and when many of the tasks that used to be 'out of scope' for non-technical users, is not possible in an easy-to-use interface? Go listen...

296 – Gutenberg, FSE, Block Themes (Variants), Blocks, Rich Tabor on the whole lot

Gutenberg, FSE, Block Themes (Variants), Blocks, Rich Tabor on the whole lot - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #296
So if you've kept up with the latest developments in WordPress then you'll have heard the words / phrases 'Gutenberg', 'FSE', 'Block Themes', 'Blocks' and a lot more. You'll also likely have heard of our guest on the podcast today, Rich Tabor. He's been in the WordPress space for many years working in the theme space, but now he's shifted over to all the 'new things', and is making waves. He's got some monumental projects on the go (see the links on the WP Builds post for this episode), and is on the podcast today to talk about where WordPress is at right now and what he's hoping for in the future. It's a lovely interview with a very thoughtful guest, and if you're trying out the 'new WordPress things', or are just looking for a reason why you should, then this episode is for you!

280 – Need some design inspiration? Try Extendify’s pattern collection

Need some design inspiration? Try Extendify's pattern collection - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #280
So you've tried Gutenberg, and you might like to or you might not! But one thing that you cannot really argue about is that it's got some room for improvement. During the last few release cycles there's been more and more talk about block patterns and how they're going to make WordPress website building more straightforward. Block patterns are a collection of blocks that have been built and saved away for future use. So think about a typical use case, you have a hero section of your website that you might use over and over again. You build it one time, adding in a variety of blocks, and once you're happy, you save it and then later you can add it into any other part of your website with the click of a button. But here's the problem. The block editor is still a little but, how shall we say it... fun to use. It's got some quirks and you might not find it as easy as you'd wish to get pixel perfect patterns. Step in Extendify. They have a suite of pre-made block patterns which you can use. It's really all about making life simple. They're all built on top of WordPress Core blocks so there's no lock in and you can use them to learn how to build your own block patterns.

This Week in WordPress #185

This Week in WordPress #185 - WP Builds

This week’s WordPress news for the week commencing Monday 8th November 2021 Another week, and we’re bringing you the latest WordPress news from the last seven days, including… Pagely has been bought by GoDaddy – what does this mean? WP…

253 – ‘W’ is for Writing

'W' is for Writing - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #253
Writing is such a complex process. When we started to think about this topic, we thought that it would be really straightforward, but after some reflection, it turns out that there's a lot to say. Are you writing for yourself, for prose, for business, for a third party? Your relationship with that writing will be dramatically altered by the 'why' of the writing. What about this interface? Do you like it plain and simple, or perhaps you like all the bells and whistles so that you can get in the weeds of sizing and fonts? Perhaps writing is becoming a dying art. With social platforms promoting short, disposable text, are we dumbing down on what we write, as well as destroying our attention spans for reading? And what about AI? Perhaps there's going to be no need to write in the future; you'll just suggest things to some SaaS app and the writing is done for you? As I say, there's lots to discuss here and I hope that you enjoy the podcast...

240 – ‘P’ is for Plugins

'P' is for Plugins - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #240
WordPress plugins... there are so many to choose from, but it's perhaps the fact that they exist that makes WordPress the huge success that it is. So what's the point of a plugin and how do they differ from themes. Will blocks be a replacement in the future? We get into the subject of what are the 'essential' plugins that we think every WordPress site needs and which ones we have earmarked as our favourites. This discussion could have gone on for hours, but thankfully it didn't! Find out what we think about WordPress plugins in the podcast today...

235 – Use Newsletter Glue to create great emails… with Blocks!

Use Newsletter Glue to create great emails... with Blocks! - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #235
If you're creating newsletters for your content and you use WordPress, put that quill down and check out the podcast today. Newsletter Glue is a really great blocks product that I'm sure many of you are going to love. TL;DR you can create all your blog posts and emails at-the-same-time in the WordPress Block Editor. It's a huge time saver. Write once, publish on the web and to your list at the same time. It works with all the major email providers and I'm honestly loving using it. Not only that, but the WP Builds folk are going to get 15% off the plugin - check out the post for details. This is one not to miss and your email sending clients will love it too. Check out the podcast...

234 – ‘M’ is for Menus

'M' is for Menus - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #234
Menus are really rather important, although really underrated. They are, after all, the way that we make our way around the websites that we visit. So how should we think about them? At what point to they get discussed (if at all) in the website building process? There's more than you might think to this conversation... what type of menu works best, how do we add accessibility options into our menus, how do we create our menus and are we going to be using the new capabilities when WordPress' Full Site Editing enables us to handle the styling of our menus in WordPress core? Have a listen to the podcast and don't forget to drop a comment if you think that we got anything wrong! Go listen...

222 – ‘G’ is for Gutenberg

'G' is for Gutenberg - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #220
Gutenberg is here to stay, and love it or hate it, it's going to be a feature of WordPress for years to come. On the podcast today David and Nathan discuss Gutenberg and what they think of it. It's certainly getting better over time, and as a pure text editing tool, it's now pretty great. However, it's got ambitions to become a Full Site Editing (FSE) tool in the near future and that path collides with current Page Builders. So is it a useful alternative to them, or are you not convinced? Perhaps you can see that the roadmap makes it worth keeping an eye on, perhaps you're already using it to build your WordPress websites? Listen to the podcast today and let us know what you think of Gutenberg...

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WP Builds WordPress Podcast



WP Builds WordPress Podcast