This Week in WordPress #294

"Palinopsia, revise your notion of reality" - This Week in WordPress #294
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 15th April 2024. You can find the episode here: https://wpbuilds.com/2024/04/23/this-week-in-wordpress-294

216 – ‘D’ is for Database

'D' is for Database #216 of the WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast
It’s the 4th in our series of chats called 'the A-Z of WordPress' where we attempt to cover all the major aspects of building and maintaining sites with WordPress. Today, we are really going set pulses racing with the letter 'D' for Database! The word alone sounds incredibly dull, and for years I pretended it did not exist. Even now I do anything to avoid directly interacting with it. But I do now appreciate how essential it is to the health and speed of a WordPress website. I’m now quite interested in how plugins and themes interact with the database. All that being said, this episode is one of those where we talk about things that we don't really understand. Being website builders, both David and I tend to just allow the database to exist and we try to ignore it. There's loads in here though, so have a listen to the podcast and let us know what you think...

196 – Coding v non-coding

Coding v non-coding - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #196
Should you code or just buy plugins, themes and blocks when building your WordPress website? Many people like to know all the code so that they can create sites that so exactly what they want with zero bloat. That's fine if you've got the time and clients who are willing to pay for all that, but these days there's so many great tools that will enable non-coders to build fantastic WordPress websites. So... to code or not to code, that is the question. Find out what we think on the podcast today...

169 – Advanced Custom Fields, the past, present and future

WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast - 169 - Advanced Custom Fields, the past, present and future
Want to learn about Advanced Custom Fields for WordPress? Join founder Elliot Condon as we talk about the plugin... past, present and future. We talk about what the plugin does and how it can transform the kind of sites that you're able to build. We then go on to chat about the last couple of years and how Elliot had had to put in a lot of work to make sure that ACF was ready for the 5.0 release of WordPress which brought in the Gutenberg editor. It was a period of huge learning and enormous uncertainty, but Elliot came through with flying colours. He managed to create ACF Blocks which is a non-coding way of creating your own bespoke Blocks that you can reuse within the editor. We also talk about the recent pricing changes - why an increase in price was long overdue and how it's going to support the plugin's development long into the future. Seriously nice guy... great episode...

148 – Spinning up a WordPress optimised server in minutes with Spinup WP

Spinning up a WordPress optimised server in minutes with Spinup WP - WP Builds WordPress podcast
This is a little bit different. Today we talk to Brad Touesnard from Delicious Brains about Spinup WP their new service which aims to make it trivially simple to get your WordPress website up and running on a cloud hosting provider - in fact just about anywhere. You login to their platform, fill out a few form fields and then go and grab a coffee. By the time that you're done your WordPress optimised server will be ready and just waiting to get WordPress installed on it. This all sounds so simple, but there is a very large amount of heavy lifting going on in the background, heavy lifting that you'd have to learn and do your self. If you've ever wanted to install WordPress on a cloud provider, then check this podcast out...

143 – Only doing what you’re good at

Only doing what you're good at - WP Builds WordPress podcast
So we all build websites. Perhaps we don't. Perhaps we're just involved with WordPress as a marketing expert, or a graphic designer. WordPress is useful to a whole slew of different job types which is great, but can also be a burden. What I mean by that is that there are so many hats that you can wear in the WordPress space, so many jobs that are needed to get a website up, running and maintained, that it can be hard to keep up. How do we do that...

61 – Eric Hamm has built a cool new, self hosted IDE for you

Eric Hamm has built a cool new, self hosted IDE for you
It seems that Eric is one of those people who is always creating new things. I'm not exaggerating when I say that, I really do mean that every couple of months he's trying his hand at something new! Lucky for us, Eric is really rather good at actually delivering new things that are well made and useful, and Instant IDE is no exception. It's new, but is already a pretty robust product, with autocomplete, tree style directory navigation, colour preferences, in fact pretty much all you could want.

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Filter Deals

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WP Builds WordPress Podcast



WP Builds WordPress Podcast