230 – ‘K’ is for Killer Tips

‘A-Z of WordPress’ with Nathan Wrigley and David Waumsley

Hello, This is another A-Z of WordPress where we attempt to cover all the major aspects to building and maintaining sites with WP.  Today is K for… Killer Tips


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We are cheating with this, but it has been a while since our chats have featured the thoughts of the WP Builds Facebook group.  Interestingly I looked at a few articles on top WP tips and I think our group covers all the major one mentioned elsewhere and more so yay us!

The Tips

Using WordPress

Tom Carless
When you upload a plugin that is already installed, WordPress lets you compare the versions and choose what to do.

Camo Jones
Uncheck the “discourage search engines” settings.

Didou Schol
Since WordPress 5.2 you can’t see the errors when you’re developing, or make mistakes when editing your functions.php.

Join the VIP list to be the first to know when you can get your free ticket and make huge progress in streamlining and simplifying WordPress website builds!

To counter that David almost immediately turns on WP_DEBUG, but also WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER by setting the constants in wp-config.php

Colin Needham

  • Set the time zone to the country of origin.  Louise Findlay also says the country is better than UTC with some plugins (daylight saving and WordPress did not have proper time zone settings back in the day of php 4)
  • Always create backups
  • Add a plugin to Monitor security
  • Connect the site to Google Search Console and upload site maps
  • Test your forms 
  • Compress your images 
  • For accessibility, make sure buttons, links, and text are not too small on mobiles

David’s notes. One of my tips would be to concentrate on image file sizes. There is a trend at the moment on speed testing themes and page builders. The fast themes may only be loading 50kb less than the slowest. Optimise your images and you may lose 10 times that!

David McCan
Use a Starter Site – time saving.

Jay Ovens-Henig
Self plug for Admin Page Spider! Basically worth having  a look around for WordPress navigation tools (David uses Beaver Builder’s Assistant)


Chantal Edouard-Betsy

  • Use typographic scaling. pick a base font size that’s easy to read… depending on the font this can be in the 16-22px range… then scale up your heading sizes from there… look at the perfect fourth scale… David’s personal favourite
  • Accent colours should be just that… accents. When used too liberally they don’t stand out at all, so if you want that call to action to stand out use the accent colour sparingly on the page – see https://htmlcolorcodes.com/resources/best-color-palette-generators/
  • White space… making sure you have enough white space is one of the things that instantly makes a site look more polished. This isn’t 1995, and we aren’t trying to avoid scrolling anymore, so space things out. On rows David normally sets the padding to 70-100px and 35-50px on tablet and 20-30px on mobile. Whatever number you choose, make it consistent through the whole page
  • Basically get a system!

Jay Ovens-Henig

  • Try designing for mobile first. It’ll save a lot of hassle coming up with a good design aesthetic and language when getting to desktop
  • Don’t overcomplicate things… animations and transitions and fancy things are attractive, but best used conservatively
  • Avoid pop ups… they don’t work as effectively anymore and just annoy users
  • Jay works in marketing as a day job and although the consensus that designing ‘above the fold’ is no longer necessary, it still actually does have a huge drop off in users not bothering to scroll. Obviously industry dependent, but even though it matters less, it still matters – try to make your above-fold real-estate pretty impactful

David’s notes. Good to get client on the same page. http://www.5minutemarketingmakeover.com/video-1/ (Story Brand Donald Miller) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YtrieuSlhY (Watertight Marketing Bryony Thomas)

Tools and resources

Brenda Malone


Peter Ingersoll

The Kinsta blog is one of his top WP resources https://kinsta.com/blog/
Also for blocks https://wordpress.org/plugins/find-my-blocks/

David Waumsley

https://www.w3schools.com/  (to see if I can avoid another plugin)
https://wpscan.com/  security

Business and clients

Colin AT

Have a lean stack, and master what you have.

Gen Herres

Never assume what the client says means what you think it means… Always really dig into the details of “expected behavior”.

Michelle Sullivan

  • Profile your client
  • Be a mind reader
  • Learn to become a good design mimic
  • If you get a vague feeling a client won’t like something go with your gut and don’t go there
  • Develop client ESP… As soon as you think about a client and how you should contact them about xyz do it immediately, as 9 times out of 10 the client will email you within hours
  • Never cut and paste. Always copy and paste
  • Lastly, always have a backup

Ulrik Kristiansen

Log everything that everyone is doing on yer bloody site.

David’s notes. There is https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-security-audit-log/ and Main WP child reports (a fork of https://wordpress.org/plugins/stream/

Peter Ingersol

https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-history/  (this one makes sense when we talk about clients)

Sincere thanks to all of you who took part and submitted your thoughts, this was the easiest way to make a podcast, so we’ll be getting you guys to do all the work again at some point in the near future!

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Nathan Wrigley: [00:00:00] Welcome to the WP podcast, bringing you the latest news from the WordPress community. Welcome your host, david Waumsley and, Nathan Wrigley.
Hello there, and welcome to the WP Builds podcast. Once again, this is episode number 230 entitled. K is for killer tips. It was published on Thursday, the 20th of May, 2021. My name's Nathan Wrigley. And as usual, just before we begin a few bits of housekeeping, head over to our main website, WP Builds.com over there.
You're going to find all sorts of content that we produce each and every week we produce a podcast. It's what you're listening to. Now. Every Thursday, we also do a Monday show called this week in WordPress, and you can find it, us lie. You've doing that. And we repurpose that and put that out as an audio podcast and a video over on our YouTube channel.
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And you never know, you might be able to find something exactly to your liking WP Builds.com forward slash deals. And lastly, if you are interested in advertising on the WP Builds podcast, and why wouldn't you be, you may well have a product or service in the WordPress space, and you would like to put it in front of a WordPress specific audience where you can do that.
WP Builds.com forward slash advertise. And if you fill out the form over there, we'll be in touch and we'll see if we can work things out a bit like these two companies did. The WP Build's podcast is brought to you by Termageddon. When you build contact forms for client websites, you may be forcing that client to comply with a multiple privacy laws, rather than avoiding discussing the importance of privacy policies with your clients.
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And AB split test. Do you want to set up your AB split tests in record time, then you AB split test plugin for WordPress. We'll have you up and running in a couple of minutes, use your existing pages and test anything against anything else.
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We're going through the alphabet, the a to Zed of WordPress as we're calling it. And we finally got to the letter K, and what better for K than killer tips. What we did is David reached out to our Facebook group. You can find that by the way, at WP Builds.com forward slash Facebook, and over there, he asked the question, have you got any fabulous killer tips that you deploy and use when you're building WordPress websites and many people reached out.
So that's what this episode is about. Generated content, some fabulous ideas. And we throw in a few ideas of our own many of these I really had never thought of. And so it's a really action useful episode for once. K is for killer tips, episode nine, 130. I hope that you enjoy it.
David Waumsley: [00:04:23] Hello. It's another aid to said of WordPress, the series, where we attempt to cover all the major aspects of building and maintaining sites with WordPress today is K four killer WordPress tips.
And we're cheating a bit here. It's been a while since we've had a chat where we featured the thoughts of the WP Builds Facebook group. So interestingly, before I looked into this topic, I researched a few articles that gave tips and see if there was anything there. And just luckily our group seem to have just covered everything that was mentioned in all these other articles.
So yay to our group.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:05:00] Yeah. That's amazing. What a fabulous bunch of people they are. And there's a tough whole ton in here that I would never, ever have come up with myself. I
David Waumsley: [00:05:09] know, I just, some really it's a lot of stuff, simple stuff that perhaps a lot of people say how'd you just know that it's basic stuff, but it just made me think.
It just depends where you are on your journey. And again, for me as well, there's some stuff that I haven't paid much attention to. Some stuff is just yes. Obvious. Isn't it. So it's interesting one. Anyway, we've organized this a little bit. So we've got sections. We've got using WordPress. Then we've got a bit on design.
I asked somebody really, if they would contribute to that, cause that's not our strength tools and resources and business and clients. So we'll kick off with the using WordPress. Okay. Sounds
Nathan Wrigley: [00:05:47] good.
David Waumsley: [00:05:48] We got first is Tom Carlos. And what he's saying is pointing out that when you now upload a plug-in, that's already installed WordPress, lets you compare the versions and choose which one you want to use where previously.
So this is quite new. I think only a few versions backwards came in. But before that, if you tried to upload a plugin, when you've got it, it just said you've got this go away and you would have to do it through HTP or something like that. So yeah, a good feature that clearly a lot of people don't know
Nathan Wrigley: [00:06:19] about.
Yeah. I, when you said that one, I was trying to imagine why I would need this. And then you said, maybe if you're installing a beater version of a plugin, which is not the most up-to-date version, then knowing that's what you're doing would be quite
David Waumsley: [00:06:34] helpful. Yeah. Or you've got your plugins from a dodgy source?
No, but I used to use a plugin that was great for this. I think it was called something like easy theme and plugin upgrades, and it used to allow you to bypass what was in WordPress, but now I can get rid of it. Just does it. So I think that's a good one because a lot of people would miss that. I'm sure.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:06:56] And is that just a simple text printout saying you've got this in this version with the number and then this is the version you're trying to install. Here's the number.
David Waumsley: [00:07:04] Yeah, basically. Yeah. It's just a little a little box comes up in your dialogue just to say, this is what you have in that unit.
So you can see which one you're installing it. Doesn't give you, I don't think it gives you any more information on that. Maybe it gives you a link. Yeah. I guess you
Nathan Wrigley: [00:07:17] wouldn't really need a lot more than that, but good. Good to know. Nice little feature built in. Yeah, I've
David Waumsley: [00:07:22] been a big time saver for me.
Good. Yeah, Kimo Jones. With one which we've talked about, we've confessed to, which is unchecked the discourage search engine settings. We can go in live. Of course. Yes.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:07:37] I don't know if this is my SEO plugin or not, but these days, whenever I have that enabled on a website that is to say discourage search engines is enabled.
I have a red warning box in the admin bar. That I can't remember what it says, but it's it alerts me in no uncertain terms that is disabled. And I'm thinking that's a, that's an SEO plugin doing that. Helpfully. I don't think that's standard WordPress behavior.
David Waumsley: [00:08:04] Yeah. Yeah, no, you're right. It's I think it's in Yoast.
It's definitely in SEO press as well. So yeah. It saves you for forgetting that it's not one that's one, if you have a coming soon plugin, you can often leave that as it is, you don't have to discourage. So that's why I get as well. I've got confused before, because it's been a routine to turn that off.
And then I've got into using a come into play game where it's not going to pick up on it anyways. So you're going to pick up on the coming soon page, which sometimes I want that to happen, so yeah. So I, yeah, it's just one that you have to check. I think every time you go live,
Nathan Wrigley: [00:08:40] it needs to be on the SOP.
Doesn't it right at the end. More or less the last thing you do, but you're absolutely right. I have done this. Multiple times. And the reason I think is it's just because it's such a benign little checkbox buried in consequentially in a settings menu, it fades into insignificance.
And unless you force yourself to go and check it, it just it just doesn't get on checked. And so yeah, there it is.
David Waumsley: [00:09:03] Yeah. Now I'm going to let you say the next one, because we say the name correctly.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:09:08] I'm going to say the name and then I'm going to leave you to express what it's about. I'm going to try this.
I apologize if I butcher your name, but I'm going to say, do D do show.
David Waumsley: [00:09:17] I'm sure you got soap.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:09:18] That's his name?
David Waumsley: [00:09:19] Yeah. Oh, I read it like him. He does some great work. Is there a developer? So there, his tip really is aimed at developers. He says since WordPress version 5.2, you can't see the errors when you're developing.
So then you knew you'd need to turn on WPD books. Something that he does all the time as he's a developer. But funny enough, he's really made the tip for me because I'm the sort of person who needs to be protected from making my own errors. And it actually is the same it's version 2.5 when they introduced the PHP era protection.
So you couldn't get the white screen of death. If you're in your functions, PHP doing what I do, copying and pasting somebody else's code into there. Yeah. So if you're a developer, then you probably want to turn off the feature. If you're someone like me, then now you can go in and you can't make a mistake in.
In your functions, PHP, if you do, generally it protects you if it's bad code it's
Nathan Wrigley: [00:10:15] yeah. If you put something that doesn't, it doesn't get escaped or something like that, it works it out and it doesn't allow you to yeah. Just save it. Yeah. It's nice.
David Waumsley: [00:10:23] Still a relatively, I think probably in the last year.
Is it that update?
Nathan Wrigley: [00:10:27] Yeah. Yeah. I have a memory of it being, what is it? Yeah. Health check. It came. Was it at the same time as that possibly? Yeah. Anyway recently it wasn't a long time ago. It was fairly recently. Yeah.
David Waumsley: [00:10:40] Okay. So we've got a bit of a list now, cause I didn't really specify in the group what you needed to add.
So Colleen Needham's gone through a whole bunch of points that you think are important. So first one is, and I had to research this a bit set the time zone to country of origin and also Louise Findlay also came in and said that setting the country is better than choosing UTC on some plugins.
So I, I didn't actually know what that meant. You came up with the answer, I think, which was daylight saving.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:11:13] Yeah. So I'm guessing that if you just set UTC or a time zone, as opposed to a country, then it can't know. If your country moves forwards or backwards, and now I'm not entirely sure which countries on the planet use daylight saving, but certainly the UK doesn't now twice a year, the clock goes it goes forward an hour.
One time, it goes backwards an hour another time. And if you, if it's crucial that you're scheduling posts at a particular time, then this is important. You need it to go a mid day and not one o'clock or 11:00 AM. And so you've got to set this up, right? There's an interesting sort of peculiar thing about WordPress, as well, as, as far as I'm aware, there may be plugins to fix this, but as far as I'm aware, the WordPress install can only have one time zone.
So if I was for example, to set up a WordPress website and it was based in London, the UK time zone, and I had people in Australia posting and they wanted to schedule things to be coming out at a suitable time in the UK, they would have to go to the trouble of figuring out what time that was. Because as far as I'm aware, there's no way of doing it.
I did notice next to where you shed your a post. In other words, the time that you're scheduling it, there is a tiny bit of grayed out grade text, which tells you what time zone the site is, ed, but it's almost easy, so easy to miss. But maybe there's a way of actually setting that on a per user basis.
I don't know. I've never really looked into that.
David Waumsley: [00:12:43] No, I've not looked into it. And I was trying to find out which one you should choose. Whether this is correct, that you should pick the country rather than the UTC. And there was a bit of a story that I picked up on. Not that I fully understood it, but basically they didn't have proper support for this in the early days, because.
B site WordPress was built on PHP four, so it had kind of restrictions there. So I think the upshot is they are right. That we should be picking on the country of origin and using the UTC if there isn't that option available to
Nathan Wrigley: [00:13:15] us. Yeah. Okay. Okay. You're only going to go an hour.
Australia would have imagined, so it's probably not the end of the world. I'm just trying to think of situations where the time might be really crucial. And I guess things like busy wheel commerce stores having the time. Exactly. Yeah. Would be pretty important for tracking down things like, I don't know, invoices and receipts and things like that.
So maybe worth looking at.
David Waumsley: [00:13:36] Yeah. Oh, carry on with columns list hick. We've got Crito backup. Of course. He's just updraft for that. Another free book and have a plugin to monitor security. Wordfence is recommended one, one here that I like, and I don't, I just haven't been consistent with this connect the site to Google search console and upload a site map and yeah.
We talked a bit about this. I've now started to make that a thing that I always do with the clients. I make sure, obviously they've got an account access to it, but I think now with core web vitals coming in and we're getting a lot more interest in information about accessibility coming from Google, I think it's become a real essential thing to do.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:14:18] Yeah. I'm with you, but just exactly as you described in the past, I've been a bit lazy. It's really amazing how crucial our sites are now connected to Google. I was talking to you about this before we hit record. You know what with call web vitals and the search console and the business listings and everything that goes on it's Google really is.
Inextricably tied to everything that we build for our clients is supremely important. And on the one hand that's great. And on the other hand, slight pause for concern. Really?
David Waumsley: [00:14:47] Yeah, it is. I think, where it's tipped over for me previously. I didn't worry too much about that because if the clients weren't interested in talking to me about SEO, which most weren't, then I'd felt like it wasn't my role any longer, but now it started to, Oh, I think I need to know a little bit about how the sites are performing for building of the sites.
And also I think the accessibility stuff is stuff that's, impacts on my profession, even if I don't have a SEO relationship with the client now. So I think that's changed a lot for me. Yeah. Test your forms is another one of Collins, of course. Compress your images. That's a big one. I think for me, I think that's the key thing to performance.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:15:26] Really. Yeah. Yeah. I would agree. And nowadays. So easy to do with automated plugins and what have you set it and forget it type stuff. Just all sorts of different solutions for that, that we've talked about on previous episodes. Yeah. In a smush and short pixel and a whole bunch of others. Yeah.
Good idea. Again, back to the forms on on whole multitude of websites in era kind of duplicated forms, and then realize the, the recipient address was completely wrong because I've duplicated it and forgotten to set that up. So that's one to test when you test the forms, testing the forms though can be a bit awkward concept because you can, to really test it.
You want to see if the recipient actually receives it. And so that requires an email chain and right. I'm about to send you a form. Yes. Will you respond to say that you've received, it can be a, quite an awkward. In a lengthy procedure, a week later they still haven't replied and you forgotten all about it.
They forgot about it. So you never quite did test the form and yeah, all that's involved in that.
David Waumsley: [00:16:28] Yeah. Usually what I do is, so when the site's up, I fill in one of the forms on the site with a thing saying, please acknowledge that you've got this, but at the same time, because it's going through another service mail gun, I can check that it's been accepted and delivered on that side at least.
So I've got a good understanding whether they've likely to receive it. So that was a
Nathan Wrigley: [00:16:47] nice tip though. You just snuck in there, so you send them a form asking them to respond to the phone. That's genius. That's that problem? Why did I never think of that? Okay,
David Waumsley: [00:16:59] fine. Yeah and the last one of Collins is a good one.
Actually. I think there's for accessibility, make sure buttons, links and texts, not too small on mobile and search console will come and tell us actually buttons are too small, I think these days. Yep.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:17:15] Yep. You get all sorts of interesting information. Do you receive periodic emails about things like that?
Yeah, I've
David Waumsley: [00:17:21] had the old one. I think we mentioned this before you had it as well and be ignored. It's something about Texas too small. Yeah,
Nathan Wrigley: [00:17:27] it was definitely small text on mobile and I'm not entirely sure what it was that they were talking about because I went to the page on a mobile device and and you really were to have been hard of sight.
I really couldn't see anything wrong with it. So I'm not sure what the stipulations are, what the algorithm was that was at play there. But anyway, it alerted me to the fact that I had to think about it, but I didn't adjust anything and I never received any more information about it. I'm just hoping it goes away.
David Waumsley: [00:17:55] Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes things in search console, particularly I've noticed this with the core web vitals as now, some results are coming in. If you don't agree with them, the things I just couldn't change and they just go and say it's fixed and the next thing I'm passing, so yeah. I don't think it's perfect.
No yeah, David McCann's next with, as a starter site for time-saving Yeah, no, yes. I know you're wrong, but he is in me right on this one. It's me
Nathan Wrigley: [00:18:24] versus the rest of the world. And we've been through this before. Haven't we? My, my simple desire to set up a WordPress website involving absolutely every step.
I have no idea why I enjoy doing that. I find it quite cathartic. It's one of the most brainless activities that I can do in my week, but I quite liked doing it and facing in the license keys and all that. I know very sad. So David is right. You are right. I am wrong, but I'm not going to change it. You
David Waumsley: [00:18:53] know what, actually, interestingly enough, there is a danger when you have it all set up and you repeat it.
So you don't get into these conversations about whether things have changed when it comes to things like time zones, et cetera, because you just don't. Start fresh again any longer. So that's a
Nathan Wrigley: [00:19:09] really good point. And not one that I th that I would, I'd love to say that's the reason I did it so that I could be absolutely certain I've got everything, it isn't that it is simply that I just enjoy doing it, but you do notice the tiny, minor UI changes and that when things in core do move around a little bit, you do spot them. Yeah. But in all honesty, it's so rare it's not worth doing, but anyway, you're right. David's right. I backed down, but I'm not going to change.
I'm an old curmudgeon.
David Waumsley: [00:19:38] The last one under this section is J Owens Henig. Who's doing a bit of a self plug, actually yell for some stuff later as well, but he has a plugin called admin page spider, which allows you to navigate around your WordPress quickly by lots of kinds of dropdown menus. But I think basically what you're saying is worth looking around at some of the options that there are out there, to speed up your workflow.
I've gotten to use in the system by the Beaver builder team is doing a similar job just to get round.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:20:07] Yeah. Especially if you're in, if you're new to WordPress, you probably have the impression that the WordPress UI is the only way it can be. Yeah. And of course, yeah, there's a whole range of plugins.
You've just mentioned Beaver builders, assistant, and Jay mentioned his own admin page spider. There are labor saving ways of having extra things in your admin area so that you can get to certain things that you want. As an example, his plugin offers a great big long list of all the pages so that you don't have to go back to the dashboard, click pages and then locate the right one.
You can see them all in a dropdown from the admin bar. It's very helpful.
David Waumsley: [00:20:43] Yeah, absolutely. Particularly page builders go with who spend more time in WordPress in the front end, going from front to back and stuff like that. So it is worth sometimes seeing what's going to fit with you. I think for those kinds of tools,
Nathan Wrigley: [00:20:54] there's been a lot of things hasn't there.
David Von grease had his plugin to do this and you've gotten things from Rendo do Katie from WP Ultimo, ways of modifying the dashboard. And what have you. And I guess if. I guess if this is maybe this is a top tip for somebody, customize the dashboard for your clients might be might be a really nice tip, just so that you save yourself problems in the future of them not being able to navigate their way around things.
David Waumsley: [00:21:19] absolutely. Should we move on to the design section? So I ready to ask for some basic tips here and really Shantelle, Edward Betsy, was the person who picked up on this. Cause I know it's so era, she makes a pretty sites. So thank you, Shantelle. Yeah, so really I think she gave three points, but I think basically she's saying get a system.
First have you seen about typographic scaling that she's using being able to choose these base font size and being able to scale these up and down. And I guess she's also talking about line Heights and just having a system to do that. It's definitely S do you know, honestly, it's only four months ago. How many years I've been building websites. I started to seriously look into a system based in my case to try and organize this. So when I move from stylin, either from mobile to the desktops, you know that I have some kind of system, so it all fits together and doesn't go wonky.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:22:18] It's interesting. Cause you're four months ahead of me. I still haven't got a system like that. I feel that in the days when things were done in the customizer and you just had your theme and you set everything up in the customizer, you were less likely to go wrong. You would get things and whether or not it was as core web vitals would have it.
It would, it was something that you were happy with. You set it up over there and then you just use the classic editor, wrote your content and it came out looking how it should look. All the H ones were that size and all the HTS and the paragraphs were that size. But with the advent of page builders, So easy to have pages where everything looks completely different because you've simply forgotten what it was that you set up on each individual page.
And so having something as Shantelle says where you make the effort and you write it all down and you think about it gives you a I guess we're coming back to that with page builders, having global assumptions and things like that. But yeah. Interesting.
David Waumsley: [00:23:16] Yeah.
And she also mentioned something, which I haven't looked up in fact, I'm just Googling it now quickly, but she says something about lookout for perfect fourth scale, her personal favorite fourth
Nathan Wrigley: [00:23:27] scale, like the number four. Yeah. Oh, I don't know. I've
David Waumsley: [00:23:31] never heard what that is. I need to look that up later.
Sorry about that. Didn't do it. Next point was also about accent colors about being oops, being just that to accent useful accents. So Nathan, I'm just laughing here because I moved my arms and pulled my headset out.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:23:50] Podcasting era one Oh one. Don't have the wire particular yet. I've done that kind of thing.
So many times I've tried to sit. Absolutely stock stills so that I don't knock anything, but sometimes it's really hard anyway. Sorry. Accent colors.
David Waumsley: [00:24:05] Yes. Yes. Yeah, she's saying make them accents and I understand what she's talking about. Don't you, if you want something to call out on your page, you don't want too many random colors around on your page out.
So otherwise they're not going to focus on that often. It's a very shouty out clear color for a call to action button that you really want to stand out. So I think I understand what you're saying, but so
Nathan Wrigley: [00:24:29] is she basically saying be minimal and use it
David Waumsley: [00:24:31] sparingly? Yeah, you're saying that. And I, maybe she's also talking about the idea that, again, something I need to look into the systems for this and I've ignored it to get a kind of color palette that you use and, to have a logic to those, because we talked about this ourselves off, offline about Yeah.
W T often come to a button and then you want the hover over color for that. And you just use during the page builder, you would just darken it a little bit and then forget about it. Move to the next button. Yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:25:02] So the next button is, that you want the buttons to be darker on the whole of the state, but you're not exactly sure what the hex value was so huge that my technique for that is basically in, in the sort of color picker.
So long as I know the original color, I forgive myself for that, that the original color has to be right, because the buttons all have to be the same color. Basically just go darker by about half a centimeter on the screen. Like I've South office tends to be beach and that's about it.
David Waumsley: [00:25:32] Yeah. That's how it kinda works for me.
But it's nice if you've got a pallet that you set up in there. There's so many tools around there, so many great online pallet generators and get a logic to how you set them up. But anyway, and the other point of Shantel's was about, using. White space. You're just making the point that it is 1995 and the longer, we, people are used to scrolling and having things spaced out.
And I absolutely agree. And having some kind of method as well to maybe setting out your sections, the kind of space in that you might have, and that you have a, again, it's more about the systems that she's saying. She might pad things out on our sections. So the 90 to a hundred pixels on the Mo on the desktop site.
And then she wouldn't have a settings that she would go to for tablet and mobiles. And these would be some sort of standard space in, I think that's really important as well. Sunday, I've been bad at.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:26:24] Yeah. Do you, when you do this, so as an example, tell, wrote down for illustration purposes, maybe on desktop, you'd have padding of rows of 7,200 pixels tablets, maybe 35 to 50.
And then mobile 20 to 30 pixels we're talking here. So yeah, she's obviously got those anecdotally in her head. I'm wondering if she just has them passed away in her head. And then when she comes to build things, she just knows what she wants to do. Or if she's got some sort of system of, I don't know, pre-configured modules for her page builder, which last time I heard she was still using Beaver builder so that she can drag them in and they're already pre-configured to be like that.
David Waumsley: [00:27:07] Yeah, I think she does both memberships on your page builder, something in spring, she was talking about the fact that she just saved some design elements out. So maybe a bit of both in that. And I must admit, I started to do that set these spaces and a kind of gnome in my head. And then I stuffed myself up by experimenting and moving more to a percentage based layouts with stuff.
So I starting again. Yeah. But
Nathan Wrigley: [00:27:30] you've forgotten what you've sat where,
David Waumsley: [00:27:33] so I was still working. Percentages are quite nice way of getting spaces. The same as REMS are quite a nice way of being able to would one setting change the view and have it all look the same for different devices. But yeah, it's still a lot to work on because I guess, kind of support issues are there, but that, but anyway, that's enough.
But basically I think what Shantel's saying is for those basic things of color scaling and space of sight type, color, and space, get a system and yeah. We've got, what else have we got in here? We've we're back to Jay we're back to Jay as well. Yeah. So he has to come up with some other stuff, not all plugs.
He says, try designing for mobile first saves a lot hassle that kind of stuff. I agree. It's interesting. This is a big topic. Isn't it? Mobile first. Cause we to be talking about how we go about coding things or whether we, how we go about thinking of the design, but yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:28:27] I really haven't been following the statistics about how mobile is adopted.
We all know that mobile is the preferred method for almost everybody. I don't know if that curve is still going up or if it's settled a bit. Whether or not mobile is absolutely guaranteed to be the way that people are consuming your website first I'm I can only imagine that trend is going to get bigger and bigger.
David Waumsley: [00:28:52] It was funny. I was looking at the statistics for a B2B site that I look after only the other day. And I just noted that their mobile use there were, they always had some, but largely it was, they were viewing their site from their offices in working office hours time. And I saw no increase in their mobile rate, which is low, about 10% for them.
Yeah. So that I don't know about the it's found to be, I'm in India, and you see the, the growth more and more people. Whoever you are in India can now get a mobile phone and get connected to the internet. So
Nathan Wrigley: [00:29:25] I think it's interesting. I have a relationship with my phone where just because it's in my pocket, I end up browsing on the internet, but I increasingly find a lot of the things that I need to do frustrating on the internet.
Quite often, I find myself almost like note to self, go back to this website on desktop and complete what it is that you want to do over there. So I'm using my mobile phone as a conduit to discover things, it may be that I see something on Facebook or Twitter and I'll go over there and explore it.
And then I think actually for a better experience of this, I'll wait until I'm on a desktop. Maybe that's slightly unusual, but I do feel that mobile is so much more accessible just because it's in your pocket all the time. But I wonder what the percentage of, concerted effort on a website is.
On mobile as opposed to desktop. I don't know. Yeah. I'm
David Waumsley: [00:30:18] in a village and I'm pretty sure that I, my wife and I will be the only people in this village who will look at a desktop. Everybody else, the internet is what is in the mobile. Yeah. But also you might be right. There might be another trend that I there's.
A lot of people want to not use their mobile so much, break away from things like that.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:30:37] It seem to be a common trope at the minute. People are talking about over consumption of technology and trying to limit things and Yeah, I don't know about it, but I still feel Jay is right.
Building for the mobile first does seem like a sensible strategy because of where we are right now.
David Waumsley: [00:30:52] Yeah, it does. Yeah. Also he's got one that I like, which is don't over-complicate things, animations and transitions and fancy stuff like that attractive, but best use conservatively. So yeah. Best, best to learn the basics first.
Isn't it. And then if you've got that then you can start to add on the other stuff. This
Nathan Wrigley: [00:31:09] is interesting. Because I feel that we're almost coming full circle and maybe we've taken about four or five years to do this circle, but. Three or four years ago, a lot of these animations and things were just beyond most people, you'd have to actually get into the code and learn CSS or JavaScript, CSS, transitions, and so on.
And it's a bit fiddly and maybe the time spent on that could have been better used in some other way. So they, all of this stuff got rolled into page builders and it was really cool and there was lots of fabulous things that could be done with page builders. And and then I'm just wondering if people now are just a bit fed up of them, they want less distraction.
They want things to be more static on the page, just because it's a bit less strain, a bit less for your eye to get drawn away from the main event and so on. And so now I see less dramatic transitions and far more subtle transitions. They're still there, but they're very much, a minor fade or a slight movement in horizontal space or something as you scroll, but it would appear that the over-complicating things.
Maybe it was just a case of we can do this, so we will, and now we're coming out the other side and thinking actually, most of that's just window dressing that diverts attention from what we actually want people to see.
David Waumsley: [00:32:24] Yeah. And I think it goes a little bit with the people building the sites, more people are building sites for the first time on their own.
And you it becomes about you rather than the visitor when you're due to it. So you have to go through this and try all the cool stuff. And then of course, something like core web vitals, which can be easily penalize you. If you've got in your viewport, lots of things moving around, people are wanting to pull it out again.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:32:48] So yeah, don't overcomplicate is good advice, I think. Yeah, absolutely.
David Waumsley: [00:32:52] And also you're saying about voice pop-ups, they're not working as effectively as they used to do. And the NOI users, as, I guess they've always annoyed them,
Nathan Wrigley: [00:33:00] I don't know about this because I think. I think if they're invoked by the user.
Yeah. Let's say a button. Yeah. Provides a form. Yes. You clearly wanted the form and being taken to another page might be more hassle than just seeing the form in a pop-up. So I guess what he's talking about there is the. The unwanted popups when you exit, the exit and he attends and things like that.
All of that. And I totally agree with that, but I would say, I think there is a place for popups, but usually when it's invoked by the
David Waumsley: [00:33:34] user. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. There's a massive difference. Yeah. Yeah. Good point. The other one was he's working in marketing a bit these days and he's saying, one of the crucial things is just to bear in mind that above the fold real estate here, there's a lot of talk about this.
People will scroll more these days. True, but squarely about what is in the top is going to be important to catch people's attention. And I'm completely with this. And I've had some success. So a little tip of mine rarely is this. There's a guy called Donald Miller who does story brand? I'm sure a lot of people know there are a couple of.
Free videos. There's three of them that are five minute long, called five minute marketing makeovers. And I send the link. I don't get the clients to sign up to it even, cause you can get directly to the links to show these videos. And they have been wonderful in doing what I can't do, which is to try and get the client to think about the homepage and the importance of that hero section.
So yeah. It's so w
Nathan Wrigley: [00:34:30] so this, these three videos that you just mentioned in this is something that's freely available. There's no opt-in or anything you can just go, you could send your clients to this website. And what you're saying is that he does a great job of explaining the importance of this part of the homepage and that part.
And he's just distilled it in a really consumable form. Whereas you've struggled to, to describe why this is important and why that's not important. And yeah,
David Waumsley: [00:34:55] he has tons more credibility than me and it's obviously a professional. Yeah. But, he just says, This is where websites go wrong is marketing.
This is it's got to pass the grunt test. As he called it. People have got to understand what's there and the reason to carry on with it. And I think it, to try and get visitors aside to try and get clients to think about their visitors. It's always been quite tricky because there may become with the idea.
I want a big slider on there just showing photos and I'll put the text below it. If they show them something like this video, they go, Oh, it's really useful. And ultimately their ideas and the things that they put in terms of the copy on that is so much better from the client for me. So we're on the same page.
So anyway, good
Nathan Wrigley: [00:35:37] tip. No, that's really useful though, because I do, I struggle to explain that certainly. Yeah, it would be consuming my time to explain that. I think I do a very good job. And if you can just point somebody and say, look, go off watch these three videos. It'll take you 20 minutes and then come back and we'll talk once you've understood what all these components do and why they're supposed to be there.
David Waumsley: [00:35:56] Yeah. They just buy into how he puts it in there. I just think it's the last three builds I've done. Like that show net and they've all said, Oh, that's really good. And I think the way they talk to me and what they offer for the home page is clearly influenced by watching that. So good now. Yeah. Okay. Next section tools and resources and we haven't got so many with these ones, actually.
We've got, Brenda Malone was offered a couple of these are really great ones. Yeah, they are. The first one is form styler calm, which is a site which basically allows you to grab the, you could style things within its interface for different types of forms and grab the CSS and add them to your site.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:36:37] Yeah. Where has this been? All my life. So it's so good. I've genuinely had never heard of it before, but if you go there just like David said, it looks like the options currently a Ninja forms, fluent forms, gravity forms, PNL forms, and contact form seven. And you do, you just mock about with the styling.
So you, I don't know, you want to change the field background colors or the border width or whatever, the normal stuff that you would do to style a form. And then it just spits out the CSS. It's so good. Yeah.
David Waumsley: [00:37:06] Yeah. Yeah. Lots of people love that one. She's somebody who always knows about these kind of tools on it as she manages to.
We're very happy to
Nathan Wrigley: [00:37:13] have her around that's for sure.
David Waumsley: [00:37:15] Yeah. And the next one that she came up with her hair, we just didn't understand, but now we get it, which was, it's a long URL with this one WP dev tools.io forward slash tools forward slash plugin dash Explorer. Yeah. Yeah. And this when you look at it, you're just thinking what the heck's going on here.
What's going on. It's just all this kind of bubble tags all over the place, but you can search it and find it's the search facility and the ability to be able to search through what's available. I think only on the repository in terms of plugins. Your interest, you can put in there, then you can search through and you can see at a glance, which ones have got high ratings, which ones are popular and it's
Nathan Wrigley: [00:37:56] really useful.
It really is it's genius. But the thing is you've got to know to search. So it's like an old fashioned flash tag cloud where the bigger the plugin. The bigger, the bubble that the plugin is in the more favorable it is. I think it's based upon the number of installs. You can change that so you can change the bubbles based upon the installed base, the user rating, or you can just make everything equal sizes.
And so I, for example, I just typed in the word speed thinking, it would then spit out things like caching, plugins, and SEO and that kind of stuff. It does. It's brilliant. And then it just, presumably it goes and searches the repository for any plugin, which has got the word speed attached to it in some way, shape or form.
And it just puts them up. And so you can see, this has got a rating of 4.8. This has got five and it's big. So it must have lots of installs. I'll go and check that out. It's really good.
David Waumsley: [00:38:50] Yeah, it is we'll move on to next one, which is Peter Ingersoll. We've got a few bits and pieces in different sections, I think from him.
So his first one is the his top WP resources, the Kinston blog. And I completely agree with, do you know, all the searches I've been doing recently where it's been more complex stuff? I've ended up landing on their pages and their blog posts are really good, so yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:39:13] Yeah. Big shout out to the, yeah they do a lot of hard work making those blog posts.
I think it's a Testament to whatever team they've got going on there. Yeah.
David Waumsley: [00:39:22] And they've got some videos as well. Really? Well-made. Yeah. And also he's got another plugin as well, which is I don't know if I'll use this one so much, but it's a plugin called find my blocks to find blocks. To find plugins.
Yes. Yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:39:37] Yeah. W we are going to get into some sort of recursive loop aren't we where plugins to find plugins and blocks to find blocks. But yeah, it says, find my blocks as a WordPress plugin built to help find where you have used specific Gutenberg blocks on your WordPress website. We're going to get to the point where if you can, so simply install blocks inside the Guttenberg interface, the block editor.
I can imagine they'll come a time when you've maybe, a client has got trigger happy, and I don't know, maybe they want the dreaded slider. So they type in slider and install a plugin. And then on the next page, they want something else. And they, so there's a plugin for that. Or rather there's a block for that.
And 67 blocks later. You've no idea what you've used, where you, so the idea of this is. We've had this sin with page builders and stuff, haven't we, which pages are using the page builder module and so on. So yeah, it's a nice, it's a nice idea. It's one for the future. Maybe not, maybe it's time is yet to come.
David Waumsley: [00:40:37] Yeah. I've just knocked another one in by this guy called David Wamsley. My tools or resources. I'll just throw them in, not really WordPress, but code pen dot IO is a place that I go to so much and also w three schools just for, just really avoid, he didn't another plugin, but those two places as a way to add some stuff in without having to get one more plugin my top kind of re resources these days.
And w three
Nathan Wrigley: [00:41:07] schools seems to be the one where if I want to know anything about CSS it and CSS tricks always seem to be at the top. If I've forgotten how to do something, it always gives me them as the as the resource to use, and then you go onto the page and check it out and try something and see if it works or not that great.
David Waumsley: [00:41:25] Yeah. And this is a great, this it's like codependent a lot these days because there's some great work in examples. So if you wanted an accordion that you just want to do with HTML or CSS slider, because you don't want a heavy slider plugin, then you can often just go in there and copy and paste their code.
It's working. Yeah. So I think they're a great resource. Just if you just want to keep down your plugins, which is usually on big problems, isn't it? Yeah. Okay. Next section then
Nathan Wrigley: [00:41:52] can I throw one tool in quickly? Yes, sure. The one that I seem to be using more than I probably, we showed it, it's a site called cool laws.
So it's C O L O R s.ceo. And it's just a pallet of five. You can just click a button and it'll generate a random color palette and it's total voodoo. Every time I click the button, I think, Oh, I could use that. And then I click the button and think, Oh, I could use that. Or it's brilliant. I don't know what the algorithm is, but there very tastefully done.
And then you can actually go in and modify it. So you could lock a particular, one of the five and then change the other ones and you can change or all sorts of attributes of the colors on the adjacent ones. It's just very nice if you've not come across it. And you want a super simple way to generate a color palette, which is quite tasteful than.
This is worth
David Waumsley: [00:42:43] it. And it's the way it works as well. If you grab the URL with your colors in it for all times. So I use that as my little color. How that, yeah, it's brilliant.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:42:51] I've actually, there's another little thing. I paste that in to my Stiles dot CSS file. I paste the URL. Yes. Me too. You do the same thing.
So I paste it comment. Just so that it's, invisible, but there I've got a permanent record of what the, where I started out with the color palette. Yeah. We both do that. Okay.
David Waumsley: [00:43:12] Yeah. It's only a recent thing for me as well.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:43:15] Yeah. Okay. Yeah, but doing it for a little while, so you just paste it in as a comment it's hidden, but it's got all the, so the URL is the hex value separated by hyphens.
If I remember, yeah, I think so.
David Waumsley: [00:43:25] Yeah. Nice trick. Yeah. Good. Okay. Business and clients. We've got Colin 80 at Sam goes full surname here, but yeah, this really my favorite quick one. Lease that a master. What you have them killer tip. I think the most important one I've had to learn.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:43:43] Yeah. Settle on something that you like, get good at it.
That seems to be the wisdom in everything though. Isn't it? It's not just WordPress websites. It's just any walk of life. Find the thing that you're good at and just devote time to it and become. Become an expert, unless it's something which is truly going out of fashion. Yeah. It's probably going to serve you.
If you become really good at that one particular thing, but yeah,
David Waumsley: [00:44:07] it's counter to, why a lot of people are so attracted to WordPress because it is just, you're in a sweety shop, aren't you with all of these plugins and themes you can try for free and it really can lead you down the wrong path for many years.
I'm sure you did with me. So yeah. Getting back to that is, I think it's a great tip for WordPress users, particularly. Yeah. Yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:44:27] Thank you. Colin. Good advice.
David Waumsley: [00:44:29] Jenn Harris. Am I saying that
Nathan Wrigley: [00:44:31] correctly? Yeah, I think so. H E double R E S.
David Waumsley: [00:44:34] Yep. Yeah, she's actually, the next two are very similar in a way. So she's saying never assume what the client says mean, what you think it means.
And she does tell a little bit of a story, which I won't go into, but always really dig into the details of expected behavior. Yeah, this is just about client communication. Isn't it ready here?
Nathan Wrigley: [00:44:57] Yeah, I think on the whole I'm reasonable at intuiting, what the client wants, but I'm not really good at it.
And drilling down and being absolutely clear is crucial. And you only learn that by. Having a client where you thought you were being clear and then they turn around and say, no, that's totally not what I meant. And that's something so many times you really, Oh, really what you think that word means that Oh, okay.
David Waumsley: [00:45:28] Yeah. It's so much even the colleague I work with or their habit of calling. I think it's because what she worked with originally on the web, so links, what she was always calling them buttons. So I was always for a long time misinterpreting what she said, and then the same with headers. So I've got this terminology, I know my header.
And then I've got hero section, but for many that hero section is their header. Yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:45:52] But also it's it's really jarring. When you meet a client who uses all the rights terms, you think, hang on, what's going on here? This is this an April fall or have they just actually done a bit of research?
I had a client I'm sure I've mentioned this before. I had a client who thought that rows were called pages. So every page, every everything that I call the page, she thought was about seven or eight pages because it had seven or eight rows. And it was really hard to get her to understand anything because she kept using the word page interchangeably with RO Oh yeah.
David Waumsley: [00:46:29] I tell you what I mean the expected behavior, I think is a good term. That's used, she put that in quotes and I think maybe she's talking about something where someone might request a certain feature that they expect a new thing or that it's going to work that way. But actually now I've learned a little bit to break that down too.
This slider, you wanted to have a button when that button is clicked on what does it need to do? Each thing, break it down into. So when someone does this, what does it need to do? Which
Nathan Wrigley: [00:46:55] this sort of gets back to the old kind of wireframes doesn't it. And yeah. All of those wonderful things that we used to have, and then an actual gray scale.
Mock-up. Just so that you're on the same page. Okay. So when I click this button, it goes over to this page and there's a form on that page and you have to click. Yeah. Yeah. But increasingly I think because everybody is using the internet, everybody is a bit of an expert. Yeah. Yeah. So they have their own opinion on how things should work.
And if they're a heavy user of Instagram, they'll expect the UI of a website to be Instagrammy. And if they are a heavy Facebook user, they'll probably expect components of the Facebook UI to be on their website. It depends what their experiences.
David Waumsley: [00:47:35] Yeah. I've recently with a client, it's still a job that's outstanding.
But I had to get somebody in to help me to do some JavaScript. Cause they, they wrote down exactly what they expected things to do. And this guy helped me to put it together. I got some way, and then I, can't do. Clever JavaScript stuff. So their brief, they gave me, it does exactly what he wants, but when they came back to it, they go, Oh no, we were expecting this to shrink back when we clicked off it.
It's going to need to be redone. The work that we did, because really just needed to nail every element and not assume, what the w we delivered what they asked for. It's just that in their head, they're had different behaviors yeah. That
Nathan Wrigley: [00:48:13] I had, they'd asked for something. Yeah. But that is interesting because you do have to think about everything it's possible, every possible way that you can interact with any elements.
Okay. What if we roll over it? What if we touch it with our finger? What if we, then don't interact with it, but touch away from it? What does it do? And so on. Yeah. There's so much to think about and our desired. Probably in, in our case, because we're so familiar with browsing around on the internet, we're probably just relying on the most common tropes that we've seen.
Yes. So just the most common way of achieving that is to do this. So that's what we'll do. And they might, like I said, they might be, they really want it to be like Instagram because Instagram's great. And we want it to be like Instagram and no, it wants to be like Twitter. Okay. Yeah. Let's
David Waumsley: [00:49:00] figure it out.
The next point w really, you touched on her point, Michelle Sullivan. So she got a list here, but basically, profile your clients, try and be a mind reader. I learned to become a good design. Mimic is one of hers. She said that if you ever get the feeling that a client won't like something, then go with your gut with that.
That's a tip develop plan, ESP, as soon as you think about a client and how you might need to contact them about XYZ, do it immediately. She says nine times out of 10 client will email you within hours.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:49:35] Yeah. Yeah. That's an interesting, okay, so she's more of the work it through yourself. If you run up against a problem, try to go with what you think is going to be the way to do it.
So she's saying, go with your gut. Yeah. And then get the client to. To be in a position to contradict you if they're wrong. And she says nine times out of 10, they'll get back with you straight back to you straight away, the interesting approach to doing it. I think
David Waumsley: [00:50:03] she's trying to, in some ways she's just trying to say, be able to, I think the profile client, that sounds a bit ominous, but it's I think what she's trying to say is to get in their head in their shoes, try and understand them, know where they're coming from.
And then, if you feel that the client is, I guess you say in learn your clients and what they like and try and get to understand them get in their heads and then avoid basically if you feel that they might contact you about, so they do before they do and go with what you think they might like, don't go against.
You know what you feel about that client.

Yeah. Yeah, and she's doing, she threw in a couple of other ones, which was never cut and paste to always copy and paste. So
Nathan Wrigley: [00:50:45] good. How many times, if you accidentally cut and paste something and then filled the clipboard up with something and realized, Oh, it's gone forever.
I guess that's just in life. Don't cut them. Don't copy and paste, cut and paste. It's so
David Waumsley: [00:51:00] good. It is. It's an obvious one, but yeah. But I th you know, I think for years I used to, I didn't really know there was copy and paste. I'm showing and just cut and paste everything. Yeah. Lastly I'm sure it's been said already, but have a backup.
That was one of hers. Yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:51:16] I think everybody, including me later is going to say have a
David Waumsley: [00:51:18] backup. Yeah. Include an alternative career. Yeah.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:51:25] Almost everything. There should be a backup. Let's be honest.
David Waumsley: [00:51:29] Okay. Christian son next where I like a simple one, which was log at everything and upside log, everything that everyone is doing on your bloody site, all the
Nathan Wrigley: [00:51:42] things, including yourself, logging.
David Waumsley: [00:51:47] No, I know what is on with here because sometimes you'll be working with multiple people, something you and I don't generally have. And you just, the clients in the middle, they don't know who's. Broken water. And there are tools, again, out there to do that. There's a WP security audit log, which does a lot of what everybody's doing.
There's we use main WP and they've got child reports, which is using a fall cover plugin. That's out there as well. So if you're not using that, you could use the plugin called stream, which does the same. It just tells you who's, deleting and updating certain pages or, et cetera. Yeah, I think that's a really good tip if you've got multiple people in there.
Luckily main WP goes on from the beginning of my installs. So I've used the, got that, and
Nathan Wrigley: [00:52:30] it's not just a tool to figure out who's to blame, but also what went wrong. Yeah, I had to use, so I don't make enough use of any of that because I generally am the only person tinkering with it because I've usually only got one client.
If it's not me to Sprocket it's them, but you can get into a tennis match of I did do it well, I didn't do it. So it goes,
David Waumsley: [00:52:53] yeah, Peter as well, I'm taking it from his other comments that he added another one, which I don't know so well, which is a plugin called simple history, which I think is doing the same thing.
Keeping a log of what's going on.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:53:05] Yeah. I've not looked at that one, but I'll put all, everything we've mentioned today. I'll put in us as a link in the show notes.
David Waumsley: [00:53:10] Ah, we've actually done all of our sections. So we've maybe got to tie up with what we think are probably out of these and our own, our top tips,
Nathan Wrigley: [00:53:18] should I go or should I go first? Cause yours are more well thought through than mine. Okay. And say, we'll end done it. I'm not a good point. Mine is just boring. Really. And they've been mentioned mainly, already get a backup. Yeah, get some kind of security set up in place, whether that's on the.
Server or some kind of plugin, just another quick one is get the global pallets written down, but then we straight into that with that coolers website that I mentioned earlier. So in some way, write that stuff down. So you have to do it over and over again. Get the SEO side of things sorted. And we talked about making sure that the search engines can crawl things, but also exclude all the things that you don't want websites to discover.
So if you've got a site map perhaps through an SEO plugin or something like that, I know. WordPress now it takes care of that for you, but make sure you've only got one site map and that it's not showing all the things that you really don't need it to show. I don't know. You maybe don't need it.
Show archives of certain things if you've taken care of that in another way. Yeah. And that's me.
David Waumsley: [00:54:17] And the worst one is to leave your templates on. So if you've used a paid builder and you've got your earlier version of your homepage created, and you've not turned your templates off, Google could then be showing that to people.
Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. My actually mine of pretty basic, really reflecting. Most of what's been said above. So I'm really with the keep things simple. I'm all about the basic learning stuff. And trying to avoid too much the plugin FOMO, trying to learn the tools that you've got recently. I guess my top tip would be because we're all performance obsessed at the moment is to focus on the waterfall.
When you're doing speed tests and images, they're probably the areas that are going to help you most with that. But I think we'll be talking about this in the next chat that we're going to have. And yeah, and also the stuff with Shantelle, this stuff that I need to sort out after all these years, I really need a kind of logical scientific system to make sure that my type colors and space in now, or a kind of logical, if you like.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:55:18] Okay. Yeah. Scientific system for something quite artistic. Yeah. That's a nice idea. Sure. Okay. I think that one's probably Don, is it, are we through with K for killer tips,
David Waumsley: [00:55:30] Ks for Kyla tips it's done. Shall we talk about next time because yeah, I haven't confirmed with you that we're going for this one, but you said it before anyway, but maybe for loading, which is really, we could call it loading pages faster.
The essentially we're talking about performance, but we need the letter P for plugging. Yes. That's
Nathan Wrigley: [00:55:50] going to be that can't we just do alleys for lazy and record half an episode or something,
David Waumsley: [00:55:59] then we'll get onto these performance things. Cause I think it's the top topic at the moment and it's all really down to how WordPress and its various plugins and themes load things.
And I think that's quite a good topic to talk about.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:56:09] Yeah. Yeah. Nice. So that'll be enough in a fortnight two weeks time. Yeah. So K is for killer tips. Hope you enjoyed that. If you've got any thoughts. Yeah. Obviously join us in the Facebook group and comment on the post and let us know what you think.
I bet. Bet there's loads of killer tips that we never solicited from you. Thank you, David. That was a beautifully organized episode. Well
David Waumsley: [00:56:29] done. I enjoyed it. Thanks a lot.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:56:31] Okay. I hope that you enjoyed that episode. It was an absolute pleasure as always chatting to David about these things, loads and loads of tips.
Perhaps we miss something crucial out. If so, head over to WP Builds.com. Find episode number 230, and put a comment down there. Or alternatively, you could go to our Facebook group. WP Builds.com forward slash Facebook. You can again, search for episode two 30 and puts a comment. They would be most interested to know what it is that we missed, what you thought about the tips that we included.
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You can go check it [email protected]. Okay. We will be back next week for a podcast episode, as this was an episode in which I was chatting to David Wamsley next week will be an interview with a product, probably a product creator in the WordPress space, something along those lines. And then in a fortnight two weeks time, we'll be back for the next, in our series of the aide as head of WordPress.
If that's not enough for you, we'll be back on Monday. WP Builds.com forward slash live 2:00 PM UK time. We'll do the low version of the show. You can find that in the Facebook group or of the URL I just mentioned. And then we repurpose that and put it out on Tuesday. Subscribe. Get all this content for free WP Builds.com forward slash subscribe.
Okay, that really is it for this week. It only remains for me to say, I hope that you have a nice week, stay safe. I will fade in some dreadful, cheesy music and say, bye-bye for now. .

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Nathan Wrigley
Nathan Wrigley

Nathan writes posts and creates audio about WordPress on WP Builds and WP Tavern. He can also be found in the WP Builds Facebook group, and on Mastodon at wpbuilds.social. Feel free to donate to WP Builds to keep the lights on as well!

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