163 – How to create content with WordPress that people really want to engage with

Interview – How to create content with WordPress that people really want to engage with

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We’re always told as kids that it’s okay to make mistakes and that the more mistakes that you make, the more that you learn for the future. Adults don’t seem to have that approach though! We want to get everything correct right away and to make almost zero mistakes on our first try!

Today on the podcast I have Miles Beckler, and he’s going to tell us all about the journey that he’s had creating content which has become very popular and successful. He did not take the approach of getting everything right on the first run, and instead decided that it was okay to learn by himself, make all the mistakes that he needed, and come out on top in the end!

In the past Miles has search for the perfect way of doing this, looking endlessly into forums and blog posts, following ‘gurus’ and all the other things that you can to do to try to learn the art of creating engaging content, but in the end he just figured let do it ourselves in our way and see how it all works out!

It all boils down to a simple premise – create content that people are searching for and they will likely find it!

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I never do this! Take this post for example, I’m just writing whatever comes into my mind at the the time. I’m not really dwelling on the SEO of the title or the main content having the correct keywords. I’m sure that’s the case for many of you too, if you’re creating content that is. You just sit yourself down and have a rough idea of what it is that you want to say and then you let the fingers engage with the keyboard and if somehow comes out.

That’s my approach anyhow! Hopefully, like Miles, you’re a little more thoughtful before the fingers hit the keyboard and you have a little bit of a plan in place for what it is that you’re going to write and some prior insight into the SEO implications of it? You do right… Just like me?!?!

One of the key points of Miles approach is not to get too caught up in the latest thing that’s exploding. Everyone on Twitter is saying that this thing is ‘hot’… you feel the pressure to move over there and start creating content about it so that you’re keeping up with the Jones’. Miles says that whilst this can work some of the time, better to work on the thing that you know about deeply and keep doing that, especially if it’s in an area that has a direct line to some kind of profitability.

I think the I should back up a little here because it might be important to note that Miles is not a WordPress user who writes a lot. He creates heaps of content, but most of that is done with video. He’s comfortable with that and does not really gel with writing too much. So he uses WordPress as a container for his YouTube content, but the approach that he has can be used in exactly the same way if you’re a writer or a podcaster or a video maker or a [fill in the blank kind of content]. Make content that has a shelf life and your WordPress site will keep serving up that some content day after day after day.

We spend a lot of the conversation talk about what it is that Miles feels are the steps that you need to take in order to make content that people are keen to search for and then consume.

Firstly, know that this is a long haul. You need to know from the outset that there are very few shortcuts. From the outset, try to think of this as a process that’s going to take you years, not months or days.

Then get a niche. It does not matter what that niche is, we talk about lawnmowers on this podcast, which presumably is a niche that someone, somewhere is managing to exploit successfully!

After that have brainstorming sessions. Map it out in some way. Just get the all of the types of content that you could create down on paper or an app. Just file them away somewhere. A great big disconnected list of everything lawnmower!

You then need to start to look at all of the search phrases that people are searching for that tackle the idea that you dumped just a moment ago.

You can see that this is going to take time and effort, and that at this point there is literally zero reward for anything that you’ve done. It’s just planning and, in all honesty, it might be quite dull! You might want to use something like the Google Keyword Planner for this (see below for more).

If you’re in a product niche, this process will mean that you’re creating content that you’re pretty certain is going to appeal to people who are, to some extent, ready to buy. Anyone searching for “best powered lawnmower”, is quite likely to want to have one!

This then leads us to the point. Now you write posts about this thing. You actually sit down and write a post about which powered lawnmowers are the best. You make it carefully, put thought into it… actually creating content that is true and which will assist the readers. It’s going to take you time, but if you do it right that piece of content is going to be there for years and years, helping people to buy lawnmowers.

If you’re in the game to make some money out of this, then you could use these posts to host affiliate links. If you’re just in it to promote your brand, then perhaps not, the content itself is enough in that it brings you kudos for being helpful.

Miles’ idea is to find a niche, see what the competition have written, learn about that subject, then write one post that’s as good as you can possibly make it. The best content, the most useful. Just one. If you want to you can really nerd out on the number of <h> tags and all of that, but as a minimum just write your best work and make sire that it’s long enough to compete with other content out there.

You’ll likely be quite bad at doing this to start with, but the more that you do it, the better you’ll become! Honest!

We then go onto how you manage your history of posts that you’ve written. In other words can we massage content that we wrote six months ago to create additional engagement? Miles has some thoughts on this.

During the podcast we go off message a little and talk about the scary prospect of deep fake videos, you know the ones that I mean? I’m talking about the videos in which you think that you’re looking at someone famous, but suddenly the words that they’re saying don’t chime with what you know about them. You begin to realise this video is a sham and that’s it’s all been made up in the basement by some teenage prankster! Dangerous times!

It’s a great episode and I learned a lot about how to do this right.

Mentioned in this episode:

Keyword finding tools:

Temi – for translations

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Nathan Wrigley: [00:00:00] Welcome to the WP Builds podcast. Bringing you the latest news from the WordPress community. Welcome your host, David Waumsley and Nathan Wrigley. Hello there, and welcome to the WP Builds podcast. This is episode number 163 and titled how to create content with WordPress so that people really want to engage with. It was published on Thursday the 23rd of January, 2020. My name's Nathan Wrigley. And before we begin, just a few little things. Head over to WP Builds.com forward slash subscribe over there.
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So do yourself a favor and check out. GoWP at gowp.com and we really do thank all of our sponsors for helping us to put on the WP Builds podcast. Speaking of the podcast, you may or may not know that we usually release about three bits of content each week. The podcast that you're listening to now comes out on a Thursday, and then every Monday we released two bits of content.
One comes out very early in the morning, UK time, and it's about 30 minutes of WordPress news. I sum up the previous week's WordPress news. The other thing is that every Monday at 2:00 PM UK time, I release with some friends and colleagues, a live version of the WordPress news. So we go through the article I've just mentioned, and we tease out all of the best bits.
And because it's live, you get to comment and it's usually me and two or three other notable WordPress's and it's a lot of fun. So you can join us for that. Either in the WP Builds Facebook group, or you can join us at WP Bell's dot com forward slash live and you'll find all of the links there. Okay.
Let's get on with the podcast and main event. Eventually, like I said, episode number 163 I'm joined by Miles Beckler this week, who is a bit of an internet marketing expert. He's been producing content for ages and it has become a bit of a money spinner for him. This is not something that I'm particularly familiar with, so a lot of my questions are fairly basic, but it does tease out miles.
His strategy for how it is that you go about deciding what . Kind of content you should produce, how to produce it, how long it should be, what kind of niche you might get into, and and basically the whole gamut of what it is that you can do if you would like to become a content creator. Now, I suppose most of us in some way, shape or form do need to create content.
Either that's bolstering your business or creating some kind of Q dos in your niche, or it might be that you wish to go full on in on internet marketing. And make something that's profitable out or something like affiliate links. Anyway, it's all contained in this lovely podcast episode with miles back clap, so I hope you enjoy it.
Hello there. Welcome to the interview part of the WP Builds podcast. Glad you could make it this far. Thanks for joining us. And today on the line from Washington all the way on the West coast of America, we've got miles back, Claire. Hello. Miles.
Miles Beckler: [00:04:10] Hey Nathan, thanks for having me on. Now.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:04:11] Miles as you can probably already appreciate, has spent a great deal of time making his audio sound fantastic.
It literally sounds to my ears anyway, like he's stood in the next room. I don't know if he's an audio geek or anything like that, but I do know that he's a sort of traffic and conversion type of geek. So miles, what is it that we're going to talk about today? Why? Why have I got you on the podcast?
Miles Beckler: [00:04:33] Brilliant. Yeah. So my wife and I started a WordPress site back in 2009 and to tie in your little audio comment, ultimately we sell MP3s. My wife and I create a audio guided meditations and that WordPress site through content marketing and blogging and keyword research has reached about 33 million people.
It gets something to the tune of 5 million, 6 million people per year, visiting that site, mostly from Google. So that's our business. And then in 2016 I started teaching what we did to kind of create that successful business. I started on YouTube just under my name, miles. Beckler and I've done about 550 videos since 2016 teaching everything I know from search engine optimization to building funnels on WordPress and keyword research and all of that, and that now has 100,000 subscribers.
So I've accidentally stumbled into a second business, which makes me twice as busy. but really, I'm, there's so many, I call them fake goobers. There's so many people trying to sell you courses, $2,000 courses on how to do this at the other. And I got frustrated with it, so I figured, you know what, I'm obviously the guy to just.
Do something about it. And I've been teaching it 100% for free while my wife and I still grow our main business in ice
Nathan Wrigley: [00:05:44] as nice. So tell me, did you, you're talk, speaking about gurus and stuff, did you, on the road to discovering how to, create content that would be, you know, followed up and looked at and, and what have you, did you follow the path of any particular tutorial?
Did you read any particular book or was this very much a question of, okay, I'm going to do this and I'm going to learn. By myself, make all the mistakes as I go and learn from them.
Miles Beckler: [00:06:09] Absolutely. the, the mistake riddled path was the path we took. a lot of times digging through forums, a lot of older forums, and just trying to figure out who's telling the truth, who's full of rubbish.
And, and. Just hours and countless hours. And then a lot of trial and error. I learned really early on how to do keyword research. There was an old keyword research tool called market, market samurai for any old school heads out there. it was a brilliant tool. And just understanding the basics of if we create content title content based on what people are searching, surprisingly it increases the likelihood of those people searching.
Finding it. Hmm. It's, it's rocket science. I know. but it was that idea that was like, Oh, okay. So this is really simple. Let's just title it what they're searching versus titling it something random that we pull out of thin air and starting to see the traction happen. And then one of the smartest things.
I did was I didn't go looking for that next traffic source. I didn't go jumping to that next shiny object. I didn't listen to the everybody who said, you have to be over here and now Snapchat. Oh, Twitter's hot. Oh, this is good. And that's good. We just really went all in on the search engines. And you know, one of the benefits of WordPress plus search engine marketing is that the traffic.
Compounds and the traffic we get today, we'll probably get 50,000 visits to that site, 40,000 visits that site today. Most of that traffic's coming into blog posts that we wrote two years ago, three years ago, four years ago, all the way down the line. And man, that's, that's my kind of business model. So we, we kind of stumbled into that.
I had some failed business attempts before that, but once we found that, which worked, we just kept doing it over and over and over.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:07:50] Okay. W w maybe get onto that in a moment, but one of the things that you always see, especially with the in inverted commerce gurus, is the, basically the short circuit, the quick way to, to, to hijack the process, to make it quicker, to make it more profitable.
From what you're saying, that sounds like it's complete nonsense. You've got to, you know that you've got to put in your, your due diligence. You've got to do the work. You've got to spend the hours doing it, and then, and only then after a period of time when you reap the reward.
Miles Beckler: [00:08:19] You know, I mean, there is definitely the potential for flash in the pan.
Victories, leveraging loopholes and doing maybe gray hat things, but you're never going to build a real sustainable longterm business. I mean, I've got two houses. I got like a summer place and a winter place. Like I'm paying off mortgages. I'm filling up retirement accounts. Like this is not, like haphazard.
I'm building a real actual digital media and digital publishing business. So through that lens, I can't. Allow myself to be distracted by something that might have a big spike but surely will drop off. And a great analogy is like, think of, think of a great footballer who comes out into the end of the league and they've just got this new move, and for the first season they're out there.
No one can stop this guy, and they're just dominating. But what happens? People watch their tape, people study it. Other people pick up on this little tactic and no longer, it's no longer a tactic. It no longer works anymore. What wins championships? It's fundamentals. It's really simple stuff, done extremely well, with a group of people who are fired up and passionate about what they're doing.
Right? So I'm, I guess I'm just much more of a. Fundamental kind of person because I think fundamentals are how we really get that longterm victory and I want to build it once and I've roadway, I've written waves, a flash in the pan, victories make 10 grand off of this little loophole and then it all falls apart.
I've seen entire businesses in the days of penguin and Panda and hummingbird updates. I knew a guy, $40,000 a month business. To zero overnight because of one Google update and we survived that and I'm going to survive every fricking update that's coming because I'm by the book and I'd rather take the longer path.
I think the long path is the shortcut is kind of the secret to life. Yeah, that's about where we're at.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:10:01] Yeah. That's good. I like it. I like that. I like the description there. The, so the process for you is you're, you're using WordPress as a tool to publish your own content, but it sounded like you're also, obviously, whether you fell into it or you designed it that way, you've also ended up putting stuff out on YouTube, tutorials and so on and so forth.
Is there other, any other platforms that you use that benefit massage you or your business.
Miles Beckler: [00:10:26] Yeah, so my wife's really good at social media marketing and you know, social signals play a part in search engine optimization, but not nearly as much as like the on page and off page signals. The main reason why I use YouTube is I really don't.
and maybe didn't, I enjoy it more now, but I really did not enjoy the process of crafting content in the written word. I didn't like. English class I didn't. I just, I don't like writing that much. I'm learning now. So with that said, you know, this moment you and I just wrap it up on a microphone.
We're just shooting this stuff, shooting the breeze. I love this. And I found that I could turn the camera on, which was actually my cell phone when I started and I could hit record and I could just brain dump an idea. Relatively efficiently. It didn't take me that much time. I got the idea out. I'm, I'm relatively coherent working on getting more coherent with every video, and so it was, I, I found that I'm just, it's easier for me to communicate through the video or audio medium, so I leverage that.
Now I have a team of people who transcribe my audio through. Temi.com T. E. M, I. yep. Brilliant service. It's like a 10 cents a minute.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:11:36] Yeah. We use that for this podcast. Actually. Your words will be transcribed. Yeah. By them.
Miles Beckler: [00:11:41] Yeah. Good to know. It's the family. And then I have a copy editor who kind of, transcriptions are really difficult to read as not blog content.
So I have a copy editor who massages the content and turns it into blog posts, and then we publish it on my blog. So now. My blog is actually getting about 40,000 visits per month from the content that I'm initiating through videos. And really the only reason I'm doing the videos is because it's the only thing I can do.
I'm kind of a one trick pony. That's my fundamental right. If you're a, if you're a good shooter, just do what you do. Don't try to go play defense, do what you do. And that's what I found with this. And I'm just doing that and I've surrounded myself with a team of people who can pick up those other positions that are required to get me.
On to that search engine. But ultimately I'm a search engine marketer. YouTube and Google are both search engines and my videos I did in 2016 and 2017 are still driving traffic. They're still connecting me to new people. They're still growing my list and they're still making me money. And I like that residual results from efforts I did in the past.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:12:40] Do you, do you feel, going off message slightly a little bit, do you feel that. YouTube, will remain. I mean, I can't see Google going anywhere. That just seems at this point in time, too much of a tall order. But, rival platforms, you know, YouTube and suddenly this thing, tick-tock, has come along and, and kind of upturn the Apple cart a little bit.
Do you still, do you still hold YouTube in high regard? Do you think the 10 years down the line, YouTube will still be the dominant platform for video creations?
Miles Beckler: [00:13:08] So I think that's a great question. And as of now, and what I'll say is short term, which I'll call like three to five years, I don't see anything on the horizon that that is potentially going to dethrone YouTube.
YouTube, like Facebook always touts their 2 billion active users. There's like 1.9 billion monthly active users on YouTube. It is a massive search engine and a lot of people searching for how to . Actually start on YouTube, which is kind of crazy. So if I want to learn how to fix something, if I want to learn how to edit something, if I know nothing about JavaScript or PHP code, but if I need to learn a little bit about that, I'm probably going to go look how to do this in PHP on YouTube cause I want to follow them along on their screen.
Yeah. So at this point, I think YouTube is here. The one kind of interesting. Change is going on in our society are these deep fake videos and the ability and with our processing power for the ability for people to create fake videos where, you know, Barack Obama is a Barack Obama saying things, but the video sure likes Barack Obama.
It looks like he's saying things. w there I think you get what I'm saying, right? Like the deep fake video idea. Okay. So w w to take this one step farther, I believe that blockchain potentially is going to be leveraged with video. Interesting. Somehow add a little bit of metadata to the video. Two, and then it puts it on the blockchain.
So it says for sure this was actually an original video. Yup. And there's going to need to be a way at some point for us to verify is this, was this actually a Barack Obama video or not? And I think blockchain might be leveraged for that in the future. And. I think that would be the opportunity out of crisis of all these fake videos going everywhere, that it, new technology would emerge from that, that would have that next layer.
And I think it would be built on blockchain, but I don't see anybody even creating something resembling that. That's the only theoretical, that's my PSI Phi tinfoil hat idea.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:15:01] Yeah. No, that's really interesting. Yes. There's some sort of trust certificate, some sort of, you know, it puts it on the ledger and the blockchain then vert verifies this video.
Is, was at least produced in the, you know, in the account of Barack Obama, whether, whether it's not, isn't it? Yeah. I actually saw a video of Mark Zuckerberg. The other day talking about himself, and it was, I can't remember if it was a star Trek reference. Anyway, as the video went on, it became pretty clear that this was not Mark Zuckerberg.
You know, it, it wasn't even him. The words sounded convincing, but the, the, the video itself looked exactly like him. And then you realized halfway through because of the words that were coming out of his mouth. Wow. Not only is that not his voice, but that's not him. They just. Absolutely made it up. And, if the sound was off, and I hadn't actually heard the words, 100%, I was hooked.
I was convinced it was true. The
Miles Beckler: [00:15:54] crazy thing is that some 14 year old kid who has these hype, high processing graphics cards that are just there. So I think this is a new challenge that's emerging. And you know, mentioning Zuckerberg, Facebook attempted to go after the video world. Facebook actually thought they were going to compete with YouTube.
if you publish a YouTube link on Facebook, they totally won't give it the engagement. but they want, they want native video. Facebook is not going to become a video platform because it's so search. Based. Yeah, and that's where the alphabet corporation, which is Google and YouTube, both, you know, the algorithm on YouTube is really, really similar to that algorithm on Google and boy algorithms run our lives when we can't find something.
It frustrates us. So people are, it's going to be really difficult. There's going to have to be some intense thing or some major pain that's going to force people to change their video viewing habits, I believe.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:16:45] Yeah. So, okay, so we're all in on WordPress. We're all in on. Creating your own content in a way that, you know, that you can keep control of linking it back from all the other venues like YouTube and so on.
And we think that YouTube is, is going to be the platform of choice in the future. Let's, let's change tack a little bit and we'll, we'll talk about, okay, so let's make the assumption that I am. New to WordPress. I have this red hot idea. I don't know what that is. You, you could perhaps make up a subject and run with it.
I have this red hot idea for something that I want to get into a niche that I've discovered, something that I'm interested in, but I'm right at the beginning of, I've produced no content whatsoever with your experience over the years of driving all this traffic, I'm interested to go through the process from like day one to the end of, let's say.
Yeah. Two or three or something to the point where I'm looking back and thinking by, I'm so glad I did all of that stuff to, to create, engagement and to create visitors. So let's go right back to the beginning. What do we, what do we do on day one? Where does it all begin? Yeah,
Miles Beckler: [00:17:44] and I love that you have a three year, two to three year time horizon.
I think so many people have like that's the first thing is let's get real about the process that we're undertaking here. Let's let go of all of the hype-y promises from the guru webinar and realize that a successful business online is based on giving value to others, and the more people we reach with valuable messages, and the.
Bigger value we help them with, right? If you help me with a $5,000 problem, I'm going to value that more than if you helped me with a $5 problem. so that's the goal, right? I call it being of service at scale. And that's what WordPress has the ability to do is through Google. We can literally scale our messages.
So from there you've got a random niche, and I don't care if it's. Lino electric lawn care. Oh, let's
Nathan Wrigley: [00:18:33] go with that. That's perfect. I
Miles Beckler: [00:18:34] love it. Wyatt lawn care. Right? Cause you know people out there, they're tired of hearing their neighbors with their gas lawn blowers and their lawn mower and it's just noise and nobody likes it.
So you like the electric tax, so you're going to go all in on that. So the first thing to do is to, number one, I always start with a brainstorm. It's a brain dump, and I'm trying to go two levels deep. People use mind maps. It doesn't really matter how you do this, but what's that? The core buckets that your content is going to lie in.
Okay, so there's lawn mowers, there's a weed wackers or string trimmers. There's edgers, there's hedge trimmers, right? So what are all those buckets? And then under each one of those, yeah. What are all of the actual search phrases that people are searching for and what you end up with is, and then you've got to put it in a notepad file at some point, or just like a document.
And will you end up with, is all these crazy keyword phrases like best. Electric lawn mower for garden with Hills, best electric lawn mower for large lot best electric lawn mower for muddy terrain. Right. And I'm, I'm obviously a little out of the elements. So you just come up with all these random things and it's like, okay, these are all of the potential ideas that people are going to search for.
Now. In this example, we're playing affiliate marketing straight up, and my wife and I, we sell more of our products. But in this example, someone who's searching for the best electric lawn mower for hilly terrain. They're ready to buy a lawnmower. You know, the, the search intent of that phrase means they, they, they already are convinced they want an electric one.
Cause if they weren't, they would be looking for something like electric lawn mower versus gas lawnmower. And now they have three or four steps or decisions to make before they actually buy something. But when they're looking for the best electric lawn mower, you know, they want that. And then it's for hilly terrain.
Now that's what a six word. That's a long tail keyword phrase as we call it. So if you have a post that literally reviews the best lawnmower for electric lawnmower for hilly terrain, and you do some basics of optimization, you eliminate most of the competition because most people don't go that specific with their content.
And you increase the likelihood of ranking because you're so specific to that exact search phrase. Google loves when the search intent matches, you're probably going to get the check and they're probably going to be ready to buy, which means, you know, well-placed affiliate link could. Make that sale and make that profitable.
So we have this big list of ideas that came out of abstraction. We just searched it and mind mapped it or wrote it down or did whatever. Then you need to plug it all into a keyword research tool, and you could use something free like keywords everywhere, which is a . Chrome plugin, or you can use something paid.
I prefer a KW finder keyword finder. It's a 40 bucks a month. 29 if you pay for a year, and it ranks how many searches per month, and what's the difficulty of the phrase.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:21:27] Just just pause you there for a second. Because I think a lot of people, you know, on behalf of their WordPress clients, we, we talk about SEO and this is one of the conversations that we already have, you know, create content that actually matches up to, to search criteria.
People are actually searching for this. Don't bother writing for the things that you think they're searching for, cause they're probably not . so why, what is it that you, so this particular tool that you mentioned, which was $40 a month, what is it that you particularly like about that tool? What are the, what are the metrics and the data that it's giving you that, that you believe is a value.
Miles Beckler: [00:21:59] So the most valuable thing is the simplicity of the interface. Okay. It shows everything I need to see right there. I can get in and out of that tool within about five minutes max. Yeah. And that's browsing around. So they show very clearly, they run a keyword difficulty score, which is obviously a proprietary algorithm.
They look at the Mazda data, they look at the HRS data or the majestic data. So they're pulling the SEO data from several different indexes that are very expensive. They crunch the numbers and they try to tell you with a very simple, green, yellow, or red, and there's orange in there between yellow and red, a green like, go for it.
This is going to be easy or red. This is going to be a really difficult keyword phrase to go for and I can actually search, I can sort by difficulty. So what I'll go in and do is type in, best electric lawn mower, and I'll search that and then it'll pull up a huge list of ideas. And then I sort by difficulty and I just go straight to the lowest difficulty phrases.
And I'm looking at the ones in the, the 10, 12, 15 difficulty score level, and I just start looking through for one that has. I don't know, 300 volume a month, 500 searches, 2000 searches a month. That has extremely low difficulty. Okay? And I'm always going to go after the low difficulty before going after the big champion.
Two word, keyword phrase that. Yeah, it might give me 75,000 visits a month, but the odds of me ranking for that are tiny because of all the massive competition
Nathan Wrigley: [00:23:22] the M D does it offer, I think you in your, I think you were suggesting this a moment ago, but I wasn't entirely clear. Does it offer suggestions?
sort of synonyms if you like? similes sits in an hymns, I'm not quite sure what the right word is. variations on the same search. So for example, electric lawn mowers for hilly terrain or whatever it would give you, okay, what about this or this or this? Cause these sound similar.
Miles Beckler: [00:23:44] Yup. Absolutely it does.
And then another tool that's great to get those kinds of suggestions would be answer the public. and answer the public. You'd go to the domain name and there's this creepy old dude like impatiently waiting for you to enter a search phrase. I don't know why they did that branding wise. but it'll give you all, so you can just have an electric lawnmower and it'll give you every question people search about.
Riding lawn mowers so it can actually help you facilitate growing this mind map really quickly and it helps you flush out a lot of, data, but then you don't get the actual search volume from that tool. You've got to go plug it into yet another tool to get the volume. Because again, we want data we want to use, we want to use creative thinking.
To get our, you know, use empathy. Let's get in the mind of that garden owner, that guy with a backyard and he's got three acres, you know, America, we got some pretty big lots up here and he's got Hills and you know, where is he? What's he thinking? We empathize with him when we're kind of abstractly thinking about what he might search for, but then once we have a list of things we think he might search for, we then go cross reference data.
And from that point on, we want data to drive our decisions. And when, when we take steps in that direction, we're just, every post can become an asset that drives a bit of traffic
Nathan Wrigley: [00:24:54] because, nice. I've not heard it explained that way. I like the, the sort of creativity followed by data crunching. That's interesting.
Yeah, absolutely. I like the way you've described that. So, okay. So, okay, we've got this phrase, we've been into the, the tool that you mentioned, which could you say its name again? Cause I've forgotten.
Miles Beckler: [00:25:11] So keywords everywhere, the free, that's the free browser add on plugin. And what it does is it overlays all the search volume when you're searching every day in Google.
So you just do your normal Google search and you'll pull sidebar. And then KW finder is the paid one that I prefer. I think professionals, content marketers, it is by far, I've tried it all. And it's relatively inexpensive compared to some of the HRS and the Sam rushes and the other. Okay.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:25:35] Yeah. Great. So, so we've used those tools and we've come out with, you know, a few solid suggestions of phrases that we ought to be creating content for at this point.
How many. You know, w again, we're, we're right at the beginning of the journey. We're on day one or day two by this point. How many pieces of content would you be hoping to produce from, from all of this? bearing in mind that it's just me. I'm a, I'm a solo
Miles Beckler: [00:25:59] person. Yeah, so, so one.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:26:02] Okay.
Miles Beckler: [00:26:03] Oh, okay. All right.
One done. And I think this is where a lot of people overwhelm themselves. They'll build this list of like 347 keyword phrases, and they're all excited and they just, it's like the, the salesman who just sharpens pencils all day and doesn't pick up the phone and they're there doing all this busy work.
That's not actually the work because it's not the research that makes a difference. It's the action. It's the actual publishing. the trick is to. Choose one and write something the best damn thing you can, and then do it again and choose another, then write the best damn thing you can, and then. Do it again, because at this point, if you're just starting, you probably suck at writing.
You probably have no clue how to use the Gutenberg publishing editor, right? Like you don't know anything. So we got to get you through the motion of the times. I like to challenge people to do a 90 day challenge. and this is for someone who has enough free time, and that's a post a day, every day for 90 days.
I started my YouTube channel with 120 videos in 120 consecutive days. My first videos were absolutely terrible. By day 120 I was, I was pretty good man. I was competent at that point. It's practicing the fundamentals, so really it's choose one that you know enough about to just wing it and go and get some content out there.
I do recommend looking at Google, going searching that exact phrase. Look at what's already ranking. Open up the first three, four or five copy the content they have. Throw it into a word count. Find out how many words on average, the top five half we want to Google wants to see parity. Google once. If, if the average of the top five on Google are sitting at 1500 words and you write 630 words, there's no chance you're going to rank.
Because Google is clearly showing us through what Google put up there that it thinks 1500 words on average is required for the top half of page one. So do what Google showing us. And if you want to get really geeky monitor how many H two tags, H three tags, how many images, right? You literally can go parody with everything.
and if we have a danced SEOs who are like, Ooh, this is smart stuff cause it is, there's a tool called a page optimizer pro. Hi, high-end SEO guy built this tool. It's a super geeky tool. It is not a beginner tool. but I highly recommend it. Kyle Kyle roof with high voltage SEO, put that together and it's, it's a pretty tricky, fancy little tool for finding what that parity is for all of the main data points on a, on a post.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:28:26] That's fascinating. So it goes right into all the levels of, you know, how many and how long was the text in that H two. And how many H ones and where are the images placed
Miles Beckler: [00:28:35] and all that. Wow. How many bowls, how many old techs, how many italics, how many, how many internal links? And he looks at, so he looks at about 15 to 20 ranking factors.
There's another tool called Cora, C. O. R. a. M. Ted, I forget his last name. Starts with a K. he looks at like. 300 ranking factors on every post. And he will tell you, you need three more of these and two more of those. But at that point, you're, if you don't know what that's for, really high end SEOs, they know what that tool is at that level.
But I think the page optimized pro is a good tool to help you relatively quickly get an idea of cause it allows you to see a structure. Okay? So if you do this a little bit of research first and you're like, okay, I need 1500 words, I need four H twos, I need 15 things bold. Well now you know that like, like an essay.
There's your intro, there's your four main sections, a little bit of content on each of those sections, and it allows you to almost build an outline based on what Google. Is already ranking.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:29:31] Yeah.
Miles Beckler: [00:29:31] Yeah. Increase your likelihood of Google liking what you published.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:29:34] Yeah, that's a really good point. So, okay, so we've produced the first article, and you say that you've got this, this 90 day cycle is, is some sort of sweet spot.
You know, it doesn't end your life, but also it's a, it's a distant milestone right at the beginning, which gets you proficient and gets you into the swing of what you're doing. Should day two, three, four, five, six. Right up to day 90 should they be cold, isolated from each other, pieces of content, or as, as the content is building up, should we be worrying about, you know, creating backlinks or in some way linking the previous work to this work?
Or are we just after totally isolated works all around electric lawnmowers obviously, but you know, not necessarily related to one another, or should we be making an effort to link these pieces?
Miles Beckler: [00:30:20] That's a brilliant question. And. It is a best practice to connect your content that is relevant on your site.
I've heard, again, this is from Kyle, who's, he spoke at an event I was speaking at. Two internal links of the same value are worth the equivalent of one external link. Okay. And we all know backlinks run the internet. so two internal links is just like getting a backlink. So, or we do internal linking.
The better off our content is, the better Google can crawl our site, the better Google could build relevance to all of our different topics. We're going down the path of essentially building S E O silos, which are great. It's a way to structure content to really. Push relevance in one specific direction, but with that said, if it slows you down because you're completely new and it keeps you from making tomorrow's post, ignore it.
Yeah. Because the goal is to flex the muscle enough times in a row to go from, this hurts. This sucks. I don't really know what I'm doing. This is awkward. Is this going to work all the way to. I think I'm getting it. Okay. That wasn't too bad. Wow. I really liked this post, right? It's, it's creating a habit. At first is the biggest thing for people to do is just get in that process of publishing.
And if, if a post a day, every day is too much to take on, I recommend like a 90 week challenge where you're like, what can you do? Can you do three posts a week? Great. Do that for 90 weeks, which is just under two years. You'd be amazed at what you can create in that timeframe. Because again, it's, it's that fundamental and there's so many little skills that are coming to play here.
The keyword research, the empathizing, the kind of getting in the mind and the shoes of your, your target audience, how to write, how to use the Gutenberg editor, how to publish, how to edit, how like all these little things. But if you do them 40, 50, 60 times in a row, you gained competence and it all becomes easy and it doesn't take you three hours a day.
It now takes you an hour, 20 a day, and you've just freed up that extra time. So now you can start to think of things like internal linking and doing these other things to, to better optimize. And then so going into like search console, and I think it would be smart for us to maybe shift and talk about a situation where someone has been blogging and they have a hundred posts and they haven't been optimizing it because that's where you get to after 90 days, right?
You've got this body of work and you're like, okay, I made all that stuff. I don't know. I don't know what, what do I do now? And a lot of bloggers started their blogs, or a lot of WordPress people started writing and they don't. They didn't think about this stuff and they don't really know what to do from there.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:32:55] Yeah. just before we get onto that, I'm going to tell you an anecdote which popped into my head as soon as you said the word in 90 days, which was probably about 10 minutes ago. The, I, I was talking to a, a guy the other day, so this has nothing to do with work. And, I was buying something online and I, I want to know, how it would arrive and so on when it came to my house.
So I phoned up the company and just got chatting to this guy and turns out he's got a word precise. So that was interesting. Got into that conversation and I was sort of saying, Oh yeah, your website looks great, and so on and so forth. And, and he said, yeah, it's, it's just this business. It's just taken off.
And I was like, Oh, that, okay, that's fascinating. How, how come? And he literally said to me, okay, I knew nothing about the area that I'm working in. and I sat down and I wrote 90 pieces of content over 90 days. Those like, this is gonna sound so contrived. That is exactly what he said. And I promise. Miles did not speak to me about this before.
And he said, and I was a bit lousy at it to begin with. I got into the swing of it and within his, his business is now two years old and he's, he's now a multimillion dollar, you know, turnover business every year. And he, he puts his entire success starting from cold down to this process of writing because.
That's what got him on index by the search engines. And his whole business is online sales. He doesn't, he has a showroom for the product that he sells, but he never lets anybody know he has to have it for compliance purposes. There has to be the showroom, but nobody ever walks through the door. And so when you said 90 days and you began talking about that, this guy popped into my head.
So there's a, there's a real world anecdote, which kind of backs up from my perspective anyway, what you've just told us.
Miles Beckler: [00:34:37] That's brilliant. And you know, the other side of what it forces you to do is you've got to read more. You gotta, you gotta become an expert, right? And people want to follow experts. Most people, and anyone listening to this is not most people, right?
You and I, we aren't. Most people, we're, we're a little bit more ambitious than most people, but for most people, the last book that they read was a book that their instructor told them to read at uni. And that's it. Once they're done with uni, they're done reading, right? So you can go into any niche, and if you read three or four books, if you keep your finger on the pulse of the blogosphere of what's going on, for 60 days, and you read every new article published, you're literally going to be one of the top 5% smartest people in that space, just from reading a handful of books.
And then if you actually go publish your ideas on what you learned, a, we learn better when we write. Okay. Writing is actually a opportunity to learn. It's not necessarily a communication expression. Mmm Mmm. Then you're literally one of the top 1% of people in that space.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:35:39] Yeah. And then month
Miles Beckler: [00:35:40] within reading a few books, just because most people don't want to, and what that guy who, or gal who's searching for the best electric lawn mower for Hills is hoping they find is someone they trust who appears to be an expert or an authority on electric lawn mowers, who has done the hours and hours of research for them, who they can trust their decision.
So I, the searcher don't have to spend. Five hours looking at Amazon reviews, which mower am I going to get at or not? It's a waste of time. I just want somebody to tell them, I want an expert to tell me which one is the best.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:36:14] And in my case, in my case, the, the reason that I ended up with this company was a, because obviously by this point a couple of years down the track, they've got a, they've got a presence, you know, so if you search for the product name, like the generic brand of whatever this thing is, you, you search for that, they come up.
Fairly high up, but also then I was actually sort of confused about what it was that I needed. And there's various attachments that you can buy for this thing. And so I was searching for that and that's where he got me. The reason I selected his company was because he'd written all the how to articles of, okay, I've got this problem.
Here's what you need to do, and then you would explain it in like ridiculous detail. And subliminally I think that's what sucked me in. You know, I just thought, okay, guys tried. You know, I appreciate what he's done. And he was on the phone. That helped as well.
Miles Beckler: [00:37:02] Well, he clearly knows what he's talking about.
He's clearly analyzed this from all of these specific angles that I care about. Let me jump on the phone with him and then he answered the fricking phone. Right. He's not, this is so key because a lot of people think, Oh, there's my opportunity to hide behind my computer. Never talk to someone again and make millions of dollars online.
No, we still have to be real people because there's that next level of it too. that's brilliant. I, I've, you've got me on pins and needles to learn. What is
Nathan Wrigley: [00:37:29] this? the reason I don't want to go into it is because I don't want to appear to blow up. Well, I just don't want to pay to promote. A particular like random company that's got nothing to do, but I'll tell you at the end.
So yeah. Okay, let's move forward. So we've done this, we finished this 90 day cycle, this hundred day cycle. We've got all this content, and I can imagine at that point there's this great sort of sigh of relief. You've completed the marathon, you feel very good about yourself, and then presumably there's a, it's either working at this point or it needs more maturation and you need to push it some more.
Maybe create some more content. Start looking at the data and what have you. So I'm wondering where, where do we go there? Where do we go after the initial 90 day phase?
Miles Beckler: [00:38:05] Well. So here you've actually, cause you said you've completed the marathon. This is a sprint. I've completed the sprint. The marathon is the next five years of blogging, several times a week.
So on my YouTube channel, for example, I do three videos a week, every week, and I have for two and a half years now. so that, I call it the marathon runners pace that we need to get to. at the beginning, you should have. Google search console, which is google.com/webmasters and you should have analytics set up in your account.
They should just be tracking things. You don't ever have to look at them until this point. once you go in and look, there's a few places you want to look for. Number one in analytics. Just browse through and see if you have any spikes. We're looking for spikes. What does what seem to work haphazardly from just me doing the baseline of effort to try to learn these systems.
What just kind of worked and then we want to figure out how to do more of that. Because what it means is that the users clicked on you more for that and Google showed you more for that. We don't try to figure out why people drive themselves insane. Trying to figure out why. Why won't Google Reiki for the why did that?
Who cares? I don't know. Google is crazy. It is what is, therefore, let's just react to the data point we have. So if you find out that you did all this lawnmower stuff, and yet the electric hedge trimmer and the electric leaf blower posts are crushing it, go do more content about those. Clearly it just worked.
So follow what's working, and that's the step one. But number two, inside of search console, you want to go look at the posts that have high numbers of impressions. This means they're being displayed on the search engines, but have low click through rates. Okay. Yeah. Let me say that again. We're looking for the posts that they're getting displays, which means they're probably on the top of page two or they're on the bottom of page one.
Humans are seeing them, but they're not clicking on them. You can see your average click through rate for your site, so it'll be like, Oh, your site average is 4% and you'll find this post. It has 30,000 impressions, but it has a 1.1% click through rate, and then you optimize the title and the description, and that's it.
All you need to do is tweak your title and tweak your description. So how do we do this? Well first we go to Google and we type in that keyword phrase again and we look okay, what's working? What's sitting on top? Cause that's clearly working. Google thinks it's working. Humans think it's working. The moment humans stop clicking on it, Google is going to stop showing it.
That's just how Google's algorithm works. So what did they do? Is it, are they all doing like the top seven or is everybody that top seven and you have the top three? Well, if you have the top three and what's ranking is top seven, go make the top 15 flush that thing out, make it more enticing. Make it, this is where copywriting comes in.
I hate the word clickbait, because that by definition means that you're not delivering on the promise. But I, I think we need to be almost a little more clear. with our titles. just a little more emotional content, a little bit more curiosity inducing. we need to deliver on any promises we make. I think that should be a given, in a title and the description.
But ultimately it's those two fields. And when you are able to get more, get a higher click through rate percentage than the people above you. Google will move you up in the rankings. It really is that simple. Google's just monitoring, okay, here's the list of 10 why does everyone choose number four? I don't know, but maybe we should move that to number three.
Why does people choose number three over number two? Oh, maybe we should move that up to number two and there is a direct correlation between click through rate and ranking on the first page of Google.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:41:38] The, the, the next question I've got is about, you know, the, the S well, I've got two questions. The first one is about the success of this thing.
So let's say that 90 days, a hundred days, whatever, a year in where we're feeling successful, we've got into the habit of writing posts. But now our business is taking off in the idea of writing posts has become the antithesis of what we don't do. We want to focus on our business. Is there a point at a swinging the pendulum at some point where you think, okay, now I need to.
Pay somebody to do this? Is that, is that ever a good idea? Do you lose your voice in that? Do you lose your connection to this whole SEO thing or, or do you believe that a sensible time is reached where it's, okay, let somebody else do that. and, and how do you go through that process? There's a lot of coaching involved, or do you just sort of say, right, get on with it.
Miles Beckler: [00:42:20] Great questions. And you know, for the right type of person and for the right business, it's day one is when you start to have, to be honest with you. I mean, you can hire a content marketing manager and go, so I've started recently a, It's a case study. It is a, an affiliate review site, similar to what we're talking about here.
It's built on WordPress, and it's going to be, I'm essentially just going to help people find what they're looking for in a specific niche of products. And I'm documenting each month, here's how many posts we're writing, here's how much income it makes, here's the traffic. we're, we're literally like 1.5 months in right now, and I'm just getting started.
100% of this content is going to be outsourced by other people. I'm testing external teams, but I think I'm going to hire an in house writer because the external teams, the quality keeps fluctuating. So I think I'm going to bring a guy in. He's about $27 us an hour for writing services. There's a lot of English majors out there who don't really know how to make that much money, and they would love a job that allows them to.
Work and travel, I mean the whole digital nomad culture, like it's huge. so, so yeah, I think there is a point with that. Now I'm my miles becker.com is a personal brand. Okay. My wife's side is a personal brand, so the content is absolutely a reflection of me. So there's been a lot of coaching on, I would never say that or, you know, really kind of helping them understand my voice, which is why I like to have the same person work on my content.
So the three years of teaching them. Pays dividends. but like best lawnmower review, I like, I dunno, you just need somebody who gets that stuff right. You can find like a, a mum or a dad who just, you know, I don't know, like, it, it's not a, an incredibly high value skill per se. So yeah, as soon as possible, I think is good to get help with that.
You could also start to potentially outsource pieces of the puzzle, which would be researching and outlining posts is something that a virtual assistant could do. And then also the final, kind of a Polish of the words, like the final proofread is something someone else can do. So you have the ability to look at it from a systems perspective, and you still do that core middle content because it's your voice, it's your brand, and your.
You are the expert, well, great, but you don't have to do all the research. You don't have to do all the internal linking. You don't have to do all of the proofreading. You could pass those pieces off to people who are faster and you could stay focused on that one part of the job that, that, that is your core and let other people do what's their core.
And as a team, you can get a lot more done more efficiently.
Yeah. going back to the beginning where we started, right at the beginning, I was describing the sort of solo person who is right at the beginning of this road, never done this before, no experience and so on and so forth. I'm wondering if failure is an option here.
You know, if, if failure is, is one of the things you've got to weigh up in this whole thing, you know, does it, do, do you believe that anybody is capable of doing this? Is there a particular, let's go for the words, personality type. Do some people thrive in this environment better? you know, what kind of, what kind of rates do you find this technique to be successful.
Oh mate. That's, that's, that is the question. So part of my whole philosophy and teaching everything for free on YouTube is out of that frustration from the faker is still in the courses. I bought so many $2,000 courses that absolute rubbish. I was just test. So here I am teaching everything for free. I mean, everything.
People aren't doing it. People aren't taking the steps. They're asking stupid questions there. They're still going. So, so I was like, why? Why are these humans not like I've proven it works. I've made millions of dollars online. I'm trying to share. I'm here are the keys to the castle. Let's do this. And nobody's taking action.
So I started this little inner circle group to where I could work with people 100% mindset challenge. It's 100% mindset and I don't yet know how to fix people's mindsets. Right? I don't know if it's possible to fix people's mindsets. So one of the things I've noticed is ambitious, hungry, ready to do whatever it takes fired up generally.
Having hit rock bottom at least once, right? Like there's some correlation to people who've gone through bankruptcy. They've, they've completely fallen on their face. They've gone all in and it didn't work. I bounced off rock bottom twice, had to move back into my parents' house with my wife when I was 30.
it was terrible experience because I literally, I sold both our cars for cash to pour it into a business that just. Folded underneath me. But the sign of a champion is not someone who never gets knocked down the sign of a champion. As somebody who gets back up, no matter how many times they get knocked down.
And it's that philosophy, it's that grit, it's that perseverance. It's that willingness to get up time and time again and to let Mike Tyson punch you in the face and to stand back up again and take it and stand back up and again and again with that approach. Anyone. Everyone who truly commits and persists long enough will eventually find something that works.
Then the question is, are they smart enough to just keep doing what worked or are they going to jump to that next shiny object because a fake guru told them email's dead and you have to do messenger bots, and they jumped on a webinar and they bought a $2,000 course and now they're letting their WordPress.
Psych die.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:47:22] Yeah, it's an inch. Obviously we alluded to that at the beginning, this sort of three year, five year, whatever big year, big number of years cycles. You know, you're not in this for the short term. It is, as you've said, a marathon. You need to keep that pace going. I think that's, I think that's really powerful and you'll probably know for yourself.
If you've got that in you, you know, if you, if you wake up every morning and you, you sort of struggling to get through the, the regular tasks, you, I guess you've got to be questioning, have I got space to, to be doing this each and every day? And if the answer is yes, then, you know, it's a Goa. yeah.
Yeah, that's absolutely fascinating. I mean, from my point of view, the whole sort of WP Builds thing is kind of just grown organically. We don't really have a, we don't really have a product to sell, but I've. Definitely noticed that just by just being consistent, putting stuff out. I, I don't do daily, I produce several pieces of content each week and it comes out on a sort of regular basis.
That's, that's been very, very, very powerful for me and, and the growth of the community that we've got. It's been wonderful.
Miles Beckler: [00:48:20] Yeah. And so Google is monitoring your frequency of publishing, right? Google. Google has to have a way to eliminate people who jump in, they publish a hundred posts, and then they disappear.
And Google a guy, you're clearly not an expert on this cause you stopped. You have given up on your site. Like a site that doesn't get more content is a site that is dying. which is one of the challenges with that whole brochure site where people build like, Oh, I gotta look at my website. I haven't
Touched it in five years, but it's really pretty. It's like, eh, that's not going to work. You need to keep updating that thing, and I think so. It's worthy of mentioning the value of choosing a niche or a world that you're at least curious about, that you have affinity for. The word passion is thrown around, so, Oh well.
Choose a niche you're passionate about. People who know what they're passionate about. Don't search things like, how do I choose a niche? They know they're so frigging enthralled. So I've got a mate, he's a, he's in the UK and he's really into remote control airplanes, and he, he builds them, he flies them, he crashes them, he breaks them, he repairs them, and he flies them some more.
And he's got a YouTube channel and he's making, he's selling hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in other people's. RC parts and things, because he's just like, every day he wakes up, like, I get to go play with planes today. Right? Like literally, he gets there, he's like a, he's a man-child essentially, and he videotapes himself and his productions got better.
And everything about it is getting better and better. It's that passion, and I would, I would go on a limb and say that you actually love something about WordPress. Whether you're like a pH, like you like the code, whether you like the publishing, whether you like the, like, there's something about it that you actually like at a deep level.
It's that you're sharing that and people feel that. So if I started, I, I actually, my place here in Washington, I've got just over 20 acres. So, that's like, I dunno, eight hectors or,
Nathan Wrigley: [00:50:18] yeah,
Miles Beckler: [00:50:18] it's ridiculous. Right? So the reason I mowing is on my mind is because I'm looking at my yard at a . Half acre out my window right here, and I know I got 18 and a half above me.
I spent a lot of time listening to audio books with my electric mower. That's the only one that's quite enough for me to listen to them. So, and this ain't going away every year I'm out there. Clearing brush and like it's it, it's a part of my life now. Therefore, it would be logical to potentially build a business around that, since I'm probably gonna use them so frequently that they're eventually going to break.
I'm going to have to buy new ones, right? Like it's a part of my life now. I've committed to that in a sense, when I bought this property. So for some people he's got, you know, a dad might have five kids who are all enthralled with football or soccer or whatever you want to call that sport. And he coaches and he lives, and maybe that's just the world they live in and they just like, that would be great for him to talk about it because they, they are so passionate about it.
They just, it's all they think about. They literally obsess over it.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:51:20] Hmm. I think the, I think the obsession thing is, is quite important for the longevity of the project that, that. has always spoken to me. Something that I'm interested in is going to carry me over the line rather than something that I'm just doing because, there's money at the end of the rainbow, you know, if you know what I
Miles Beckler: [00:51:36] mean, that when you run into challenges which are inevitable and you get knocked down, the only way you're going to be willing to get up again and again and again is if you're actually naturally.
Curious about it. The only way you're going to be willing to read four books, the average CEO that makes thousands of times more than the average factory worker reads on average five books a month, okay? That's 60 books a year on average. So you at least have to be interested in intrigued with something to read that many books a year on the topic.
Or else you're just going to get bored and annoyed with it. And I use the Mike Tyson reference. He has a quote, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth and that's it. We'll come out with this plant, Oh 90 day challenge. We're pressing here. Okay, I'll do it. And then all of a sudden, like you get punched in the mouth cause it's tough and life happens.
The dog has to go to the vet and you miss a day here and then who do do, do all this crazy stuff happens. Mm. Where where does that motivation to get back up? And then, like you said, money is not enough of a motivator. It really needs to be like, this is like, I've got to mow this lawn whether life happens or not, so I might as well document it and share it.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:52:38] Yeah. Good, good point. And what do you think about the whole, you know. D, the crosspollination, I'm going to call it of your content elsewhere. Do you, do you push all your stuff out? So do you use these kind of services which, create posts within Facebook and stuff on Twitter to sort of spread the message each time a blog post or a new piece of content is created?
Miles Beckler: [00:52:59] I really don't, not much at all. I've got a team, I've got a team who we've dabbled in trying to get somebody running my Instagram so. Facebook is just the best distraction mechanism ever created and
Nathan Wrigley: [00:53:14] marvelous. Oh, this distraction is so unbelievably compelling.
Miles Beckler: [00:53:19] I run a lot of Facebook ads and I'll log in to go access my Facebook ads and I'll just be scrolling, scrolling, and a mindless scroll.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:53:27] What am I doing?
Miles Beckler: [00:53:28] And I'll close the window and I'm like, ah, I just lost 15 minutes. Like, what. And then I was like, Oh wait, I needed to go look at my ads. And I logged back in and I started scrolling again. So for me, it's like a know thyself. Like if I go on the, I just, I literally can't go there. because I'll just get lost and I'll start to think about what other people do and pay attention to other people.
And this is very much a. I have a plan. I'm executing my plan. If I stick with these fundamentals for three years, it's going to work. that was my thought with YouTube. I had no YouTube video experience. If somebody wants, if somebody goes to my YouTube channel, search Miles Beckler go watch my first video.
You'll see how absolutely terrible. It was, and you know now I have 100,000 subscribers in less than three years, like 106,000 right. And I knew it was going to work because I knew I was just going to show up relentlessly enough. And I knew I had to eliminate every potential distraction, every potential feedback loop for trolls and for random people's comments.
I don't need uncle Joe telling me what he thinks about my video, cause uncle Joe don't get it right. So I had to eliminate all of that and just like run my race. Do my thing, run my race and I, I knew this was going to work cause we did it once before with my wife's business, through the written word on a WordPress blog.
And you know, she and I, we both love meditating. We still meditate every day. We sell, meditate like, like every part of our life is still based around meditation. And to go back to that, do something you love idea. And that was how I had that absolute. Unwavering conviction that no matter how bad a video was, it's just one on a path to a thousand videos.
And by the time I hit that Mark, it's going to be remarkable. And sure enough, 550 videos and I hit the a hundred thousand Mark and I got a silver play button from YouTube, which is crazy.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:55:11] Oh, that's the thing. It is a thing. You get a, Oh, okay. I've heard rumors. This, this, apocryphal silver button, but it's true.
Oh, that's great. how do you avoid looking at all the sort of trolling stuff and it getting to you, is there any sort of technique? Do you just literally not open the comments or do you just blank out the ones that sound like they're going to South.
Miles Beckler: [00:55:31] Yeah. And YouTube has like the best trolls in the world.
I mean, it is like pro level trolling on YouTube for sure. So I've actually, I've actually, answered, well, actually no pro level is, is the white house of the United States. That dude is like the best troll in the world for sure. On fortunately. But other than that, you know, but he's, he's like big time pro level.
Anyways, I've actually answered almost every single comment. I'm at a point now where I can't, I answered 15,000 comments personally because again, and I think this is the same on my blog, I tried to answer every comment on my blog because that personal touch that when you made that phone call to that guy, it went from being like, I think this guy knows what he's talking.
I think this is real. I think, yeah, you were pretty convinced the moment you talked to him, you're like, yep, this is it. I'm buying from them. So that little like no one in my space will take time to answer all the comments. They'll put up a video that says, you know how to run Facebook ads, and it's just a seven minute pitch for their webinar that sells their $2,000 course and they don't respond to anybody.
Me, I actually show you how to do what I told you I would show you how to do. And then I actually answer your question in the comments, and I'm . Becoming more real. So I think the brand value is worth it. anybody who says anything snarky, annoying, trollish I ban them from my comments forever with two clicks.
I don't even think if it's even borderline. And I'm like, were they just being sarcastic? I don't care. You're gone because I'm. It is challenging. And I know a lot of people who have turned off comments completely. Seth Goden, who is a brilliant marketer, a brilliant writer, he eliminated his comments from his blog because he was just like, you know what?
You don't have a right to comment on my blog. There's no, there's no native right here. and it was affecting him mentally and it was making him consider not writing. And he was like, if, if I let these randoms. Convince me to not do my work in the world, that would be a problem. Therefore, let me just eliminate them completely.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:57:22] Yeah, that's a good point.
Miles Beckler: [00:57:23] That's a good, he's done. He's done a daily blog for 10 years. He's done like 8,000 blog posts, by the way. Just a, I think it's dot blog. He's, have you read his new book? The I'm, this is marketing by Sunday.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:57:33] I'll have read some of his previous books and I, I completely concur with you.
I think he's got an amazing capacity to write and, and also, you know, the subject matter that he deals with is really interesting as well.
Miles Beckler: [00:57:43] Yeah, he's got a good podcast that you Kimbo podcast, and while I'm just plugging this guy left and right.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:57:47] Yeah, yeah. I listened to his stuff.
Miles Beckler: [00:57:50] He's one of the good guys.
There's so few good guys. So when I get a moment to like, you know, praise them and Pat them on the back, it's like, Oh, he's actually one of the good guys.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:57:57] speaking of, plugging. we are kind of approaching the hour Mark, so I'm going to have to sort of wind things up a little bit, if that's all right.
I'm going to ask you to plug yourself. Now. I know that this is, something that you, you're not necessarily all that keen to do, but I'm going to make you do it whether you like it, where, tell us the URLs. Tell us the Twitter handles. Tell us the, whatever it is that works best for you, for people who've listened to this and thought, do you know what that Miles Beckler guys talking some sense I want to, I want to be, I want to be near him and, and reach out and find out more about
Miles Beckler: [00:58:27] him.
Well, cheers. so my name is Miles Beckler, B. E. C. K. L. E. R. I'm the only Miles Beckler in the world. So if you just search on any platform, you'll find me.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:58:35] That's so
Miles Beckler: [00:58:37] normally. Yeah. Right. And I started doing SEO on it early, just in case somebody decides to, you know, name Jack me or anything. but yeah, I just searched for me anywhere I [email protected].
My YouTube channel is, you know, Miles Beckler and I'm most active on YouTube. And, I'm a little bit on social, but honestly, that's probably my virtual assistant, my teammates posting there. And really I'm just, I, I don't know, I'm trying to get the right words out. search YouTube for help, keyword research.
I have five keyword research videos that show you how to do it for free. Show you how to do with a paid tool. Like I've literally, I've got a two hour S learn SEO master course, and here's a credibility factor, I guess real quick before we're done. Go to YouTube. Since you've probably never seen me before, I'm talking to the listener here.
just search, learn, SEO, and YouTube. And I'm going to put a bet out there, put a little wager out there that I'm the number one video for learn SEO on all of YouTube outranking people who have thousand dollar courses in 2000 or courses on SEO and YouTube SEO. So that's the proof in the pudding that this stuff actually works.
And then watch it cause it's telling you how to do SEO. And then the keyword research, and I'm just. Go crush it with whatever you do. Man, our world needs more positive voices. Like watch a video, but go publish. That's the work. That's the key is do the work
Nathan Wrigley: [00:59:48] and I'll not, on that note, I think I'm going to say thank you, miles back left for talking to us today.
Miles Beckler: [00:59:53] Have a nice day, Nathan. Thanks for having me on.
Nathan Wrigley: [00:59:56] Well, I hope that you enjoyed that podcast. It was very interesting chatting to Miles Beckler because this is an area I feel that I have almost zero expertise in. I'm not very good at being aware of what the SEO impact of my content is. Although I'm writing in the WordPress sphere, I just kind of hammer out the posts and don't really dwell on that kind of stuff.
But it's really interesting. If you want to go down that route, especially, I would have thought for people who would like to monetize their content and perhaps become kind of . Internet marketer. WordPress, of course, is the ultimate platform for that. It allows your content to stick around and have a very long shelf life, and of course it allows you to edit it in the future.
Should your SEO data imply that that might need to be the case anyway, I hope that you learned something from it that is always the intention of this podcast. The WP builts podcast was brought to you today by WP and UP. One in four of us will be directly affected by mental health related illness, WP and UP supports and promotes positive mental health within the WordPress community.
This is achieved through mentorship, events, training, and counseling. Please help enable WP and UP by visiting dot org slash give. Okay. I would love it if you came back and joined us next week for the Thursdays every Thursday, the podcast that we put out, don't forget every Monday two bits of content.
I'll release the WordPress news and the live news. You can find all of that on the WP build.com website and so has with every week I shall fade out and say, bye bye for now. Here comes some cheesy music.

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Nathan Wrigley
Nathan Wrigley

Nathan writes posts and creates audio about WordPress on WP Builds and WP Tavern. He can also be found in the WP Builds Facebook group, and on Mastodon at wpbuilds.social. Feel free to donate to WP Builds to keep the lights on as well!

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