Tag Gutenberg

208 – ClassicPress V WordPress

ClassicPress V WordPress - The WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast #208
So for those who don’t know what ClassicPress is we had better say... It's fork of WordPress 4.9 before the Gutenberg block editor was introduced and a reaction to the decision, it was started by a Laravel developer called Scott Bowler, a long term WordPress user who first campaigned for Gutenberg not to go into core (at least without being a majority support for it), and it started in August 2018 and continues to be developed with folk writing plugins solely for it, as well as some forking of other needed plugins like eCommerce and SEO options. All that said, why would anyone want to use it over good 'ol WordPress? Find out what we think in our final debate of the season...

183 – How I have evolved my Wallace Inline WordPress plugin

How I have evolved my Wallace Inline WordPress plugin #183 - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast
If you're the kind of person who likes to make sure that the website that you hand over to your clients is safe from their clumsy hands, then your might be interested in the podcast today. Wallace Inline is a great tool for making it really easy for people to update their website content. The idea is that you find a place on the page that you want to edit, and you click on it and alter it right there without the need to go into the settings for the module / element. Bradley Kirby comes on the WP Builds Podcast today to talk about what's new with the plugin and how it might save you time when dealing with clients. Check it out.

170 – Page Builders v The Block Editor a.k.a. Gutenberg

170 - Page Builders v The Block Editor a.k.a. Gutenberg - WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast
To avoid things getting stale we decided to mix it up for a while and challenge ourselves by arbitrarily taking one side each in some of the great debates in WordPress. The idea is that it might make us dig harder in to topics, give us a focus and force us to look at other perspectives. So today we're tackling the WordPress debate of the moment 'Page Builders v The Block Editor (Gutenberg)'. With so much innovation in the Page Builder space is there any room for something similar in WordPress core? Do we like it? Do we use it? Do we see a future for it? Whatever your point of view, there's certainly a whole heap of arguments on either side of the debate, and honestly most of them are completely legitimate too! I'm sure that we're not going to change your mind about this, but we might come up with a few things that you'd not thought of before. I hope that you enjoy listening to it...

169 – Advanced Custom Fields, the past, present and future

WP Builds Weekly WordPress Podcast - 169 - Advanced Custom Fields, the past, present and future
Want to learn about Advanced Custom Fields for WordPress? Join founder Elliot Condon as we talk about the plugin... past, present and future. We talk about what the plugin does and how it can transform the kind of sites that you're able to build. We then go on to chat about the last couple of years and how Elliot had had to put in a lot of work to make sure that ACF was ready for the 5.0 release of WordPress which brought in the Gutenberg editor. It was a period of huge learning and enormous uncertainty, but Elliot came through with flying colours. He managed to create ACF Blocks which is a non-coding way of creating your own bespoke Blocks that you can reuse within the editor. We also talk about the recent pricing changes - why an increase in price was long overdue and how it's going to support the plugin's development long into the future. Seriously nice guy... great episode...

123 – Creating WordPress courses with Joe Casabona

123 - Creating WordPress courses with Joe Casabona - WP Builds WordPress podcast
Joe has been in the WordPress space for years and years. Working as a freelancer at the start, then as a member of a large agency. All of that is now behind him and he's got a whole heap of different things that he's doing. He's a podcaster, a creator of videos for himself and for third parties, but perhaps most importantly he's a creator of online courses in the WordPress space. If you want to find out why he's so successful then listen to this episode...

101 – Matt Mullenweg… Why Gutenberg? And why now?

Matt Mullenweg - WP Builds Podcast - Episode 101
Today we welcome Matt Mullenweg on to the WP Builds podcast. Matt has been using WordPress as long as anyone else, with one exception! He is the co-founder of WordPress along with Mike Little, so he knows a thing or two. We talk about Gutenberg, why Matt thinks that we need it, and why we need it now. We go on to chat about how it's divided the WordPress community, especially from the perspective of users with accessibility needs. We finish with a discussion about how the community can reunite after this 'schism' and what Matt thinks of the recent ClassicPress fork of WordPress.

90 – Gutenberg – Let’s have a Block Party with Eric Debelak

90 - Gutenberg - Let's have a Block Party with Eric Debelak
This week we have Eric Debelak on the podcast talking about... what else... Gutenberg! Eric is a bit of a fan of Gutenberg. So much so in fact that he's spent quite a bit of time working on a project specifically for Gutenberg. It's called WPBlocks.Party! Seeing as how the WordPress community is full of clever people, those same clever people (like Eric) decided that it would be very nice to have more than just the standard set of blocks that Gutenberg comes with. We need more than just text and images and videos in a modern platform don't we?

80 – Gutenberg’s design lead, Tammie Lister, explains what it’s all about

Gutenberg's design lead, Tammie Lister, explains what it's all about
Ever heard of Gutenberg? Nah, nobody in the WordPress community has mentioned it at all this year have they?! It's the most talked about thing in WordPress right now, and for good reason. When WordPress 5.0 ships at some point in 2018, Gutenberg will be along for the ride too, and it's going to change WordPress in a pretty significant way. Now, I'm not too sure exactly what it will look like and exactly how it will behave, because it's going through some serious iterations at the moment. It's come a really, really long way over the past year and recent updates have seen it change even more quickly.

79 – Keep educating yourself about WordPress / JavaScript / Gutenberg with Zac Gordon

Keep educating yourself about WordPress / JavaScript / Gutenberg with Zac Gordon
I really like Zac Gordon. He's one of those effervescent people who just exude warmth and thoughtfulness. I recently watched his talk at WordCamp London 2018 and he was such a great public speaker; able to chat to the room and not talk at them. His talk was about Gutenberg... because, well, you know... it's coming! He really knows his stuff too! What's that saying...? "If you can teach someone a subject, it shows that you really understand it", well, something like that anyway! Zac has been in the WordPress education space for years, teaching many, many people the in's and out's of WordPress. He's worked for companies like Treehouse as well as offering courses which he manages himself. Courses like his "Learn Vanilla JavaScript Deeply Course", and The "Gutenberg Development Course", there's so much great content that he's produced over the years.

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WP Builds WordPress Podcast



WP Builds WordPress Podcast